Oliver Doe's profile

Oliver Doe

Matrix Album Grades
Played by: pandansca

Full name: Oliver Doe

Age (Year): 18 years old, 7th year

Birthday: April 5, 1874 (Aries, ♈︎)

Sexuality: Bi/Pan

Blood status: Unknown

Nationalities: English

MBTI: ISTJ, Logistician

D&D alignment: Neutral evil

Wand: Black Walnut, Dragon heartstring, 13.00″, Solid, Ringed Black

Abilities: Necromancy, Unforgivables casting

Best classes: Care of Magical Creatures, Divination, Ghoul Studies, Muggle Studies, Study of Ancient Runes

Worst classes: Art/Muggle Art

Clubs: Morbid Mischief

What they smell like:

Fresh soil, cherries, and incense


Collecting and pinning butterflies, people watching, caring for the thestrals in the Hogwarts stables, gem appraisal, studying bones and skulls, petty theft.


Grave robbing, thestrals, card games, Divination, ghosts, sneaking around the castle at night and doing whatever he pleases, the rain (purely aesthetically), making people visibly uncomfortable, certain instruments (you’ll have to find out which ones), dissecting animals.


Butterflies, super upbeat and excitable people, the rain (he hates it in actuality because it turns the dirt into mud and makes digging more of a chore), being in situations he cannot mentally work his way around or out of (ex: mind reading).


Oliver's biological parents are unknown. He was dropped off at an orphanage on Rosemary Lane as an infant by a young prostitute and without a known biological father; either dead or unwilling to claim him and participate in his raising. Therefore, he had been assigned the last name ‘Doe’ in place of a traditional surname. It is assumed that his mother was muggle and his father, a pureblood from a prestigious wizarding family.
He was brought up and raised in the orphanage (part of the Blackguard Children), where he was poorly treated his whole life alongside the other children before being auctioned off to a local factory owner at the age of 6 when he had yet to be adopted.
Work at the factory was even more awful than life at the orphanage, as well as far more cruel. He'd seen many a fellow worker lose life and limb in these conditions and after only one short year, Oliver ran away and chanced life elsewhere.
It was some time after that while seen begging on the streets, a band of traveling gypsies happened upon him and took him in as one of their own. Here, he learned the arts of tarot, crystal balls, and palm reading, as well as basic instrumentals and dancing. He also taught him how to improve in the art of pick-pocketing, something he'd already attempted many times on his own before then. They did small traveling performances to get by as they went and it was the only real home and peace Oliver knew, for a time.
But it wasn't meant to last.
At age 8, he was unable to sleep as his group were camped out in the forest for the night, in the middle of another long trip. He was drawn deeper into the forest when he noticed (what he now understands to be) a thestral, intrigued by it and wanting to be nearer. The beast flew off, naturally averted to contact with humans, but while Oliver stood and watched it fly away, screams rang out into the air. A raid. He ended up watching from afar as every member of the only family he'd known got slaughtered and then, again, he was alone.
This time, getting by was difficult. As just one lone boy with nothing to his name and no group to play off of, not many were willing to pay for his performances or niche talents and so, on the brink, Oliver resorted to digging up graves and selling whatever he could salvage inside to make his living, staying alone from now on to remain on the run from the police easier and also to not fall prey to attachments to others who would only end up leaving him. He did this until the age of 11, when he received his letter to Hogwarts via owl and set off to better horizons.


Reserved, Oliver sticks to the shadows and tends to stay away from large crowds unless going through a bout of pick-pocketing. He much prefers the dead to the living nowadays, keeping to himself and his hobbies. It isn't like anyone would understand him, anyways.
Although that isn't to say he is shy. He isn't shy in the slightest. Though people are always hesitant to approach him due to his eerie disposition. He is, though, rather odd.
But he has learned to lay the charisma on in order to help him get what he needs; so if he's approaching you first, just know you have something he desires and should probably hold on tight to your wallet.
Ever one for moving from place to place, never seeming to be comfortable, it's odd for Oliver to not be running anymore. And so he spends his nights roaming the empty castle rooms of Hogwarts and the foggy highlands.

Naturally, given everything he has been through, Oliver isn't afraid to get his hands dirty- physically and metaphorically. Death, dirt, gore, decay- it's all very normal for him. He's been desensitized from it for almost as long as he can remember, and he actually quite likes it at this point. There's a certain beauty in death and decay that most others couldn't comprehend or handle. Despite having a roof over his head and three square meals a day that he doesn't have to fight for at Hogwarts, Oliver has no intentions of giving up the grave robbing. Those people are no longer of this world- What do they need all that stuff for? It's better used making him richer. And since he's used to doing nefarious deeds to get by as well, he isn't against using a forbidden spell or two. These things also just feel normal for him- it makes sense that such magic exists and is being used in the world, however forbidden it may be. He doesn't care if it's ‘wrong’, ‘unjust’, or ‘unfair’. Life wasn't fair to him and so he is unfair now to the world. It's a dog eat dog world out there, he just wants his place at the table.
He has an unnaturally optimistic outlook on life, surprisingly. He's far from the brooding sort. Rather than resent, Oliver is thankful for how he grew up and is proud of it. It gave him a strong stomach and crafted him into a unique sort not often seen at Hogwarts, and he knows it will do well for him in the future.
He holds his few friends close and his enemies closer. Oliver isn't one to trust so easily, though he'll lead you to believe he does. His heart yearns for companionship and his brain screams to him that it won't last forever and everyone will leave, inevitably.

As for what he would be like as a lover, please seek out the muse directly or have a look at his original character sheet on the server.


Short, messy, dark brown hair with wispy bangs sweeping over one eye. Dark brown eyes. May seem dark around the eyes, and that's from the lack of sleep. Thin, but muscular due to all the physical labor he partakes in.


Black Walnut wood stem

Corporeal patronus
Not in abilities

Vulture. Cannot cast. No happy memories.


His old orphanage on Rosemary Lane


A great horned owl named Nemesis


Tibbs. Oliver doesn't keep him in a cage, letting him roam free.

Black Walnut, Dragon heartstring, 13.00″, Solid, Ringed Black

Sharpened to a point at the end for stabbing as a plan B. You just never know.


Oliver's father, of whom no one knows is his father. A pureblood dark wizard that goes by the name of Jack the Ripper.


Oliver's mother, Willow. Undetermined if she is currently alive or dead. Worked as a prostitute and gave Oliver up to the orphanage at birth.


The owner of the orphanage, Marcille, picking up an abandoned baby Oliver the night he was dropped off at the doorstep.


The band of Romani gypsies that took Oliver in for a year, before their deaths.