Elland de Strontium's profile

Elland de Strontium

Matrix Album Grades
Played by: lilgrempaws

Full name: Elland de Strontium

Age (Year): 18 years old, 7th year

Birthday: September 30, 1873 (Libra, ♎︎)

Sexuality: Bi/Pan

Blood status: Muggleborn

Nationalities: British

MBTI: INFJ, Advocate

D&D alignment: Lawful good

Wand: Black Walnut, Dragon heartstring, 13.00″, Slightly Springy, Spiral Ash brown

Abilities: Wandless casting

Best classes: Charms, Defence Against the Dark Arts

Worst classes: Transfiguration

Default album group:

What they smell like:

A cosy room on a really warm sunny day 30 minutes before the sunset. If he flies that day — like pine trees and forest, or like the ocean/lake, depending on where he is that day. When he goes to bed, he most likely smells a bit like the fireplace. But normally he just smells human, soap and sweat.

What they smell in their amortentia:

Pine trees, ocean; rain falling on the dying embers.


Plays a rebab (because of his ancestors' roots) and a lute. Sometimes feels inspired to write songs and poetry. Plays Quidditch only when there are not enough people to take up Keeper or Chaser positions, is in general indifferent to sports. But he loves going on flights.


Pumpkin pasties, his pet owl Penguin, his family


Pumpkin juice, written home assignments, mornings, taking care of the messes his brother creates.


Elland was born in a muggle family and received his Hogwarts letter just like any other kid. His younger brother Cyrus got the same invitation a year later. They grew up happy, had everything they needed because their family is part of English nobility. The only negative thing Elland could've encountered that made him pay more attention in DADA and think of becoming an Auror were unpleasant run-ins with Ashwinders. But he's been steering clear of those, especially because of his companions.

The more time passes, the more stressed he gets since he is expected to take over the family business back in London after he graduates. He cannot push his family duties onto his carefree brother and his loyalty to his family outweighs anything he himself might want. But he still pushes for the NEWTs he needs.

Family background.

De Strontiums moved to London from the Middle East back in 17th century (Egypt? Turkey? Elland does not remember). They were known for their firework production but later on they branched out into weaponry and explosives, supplying the Crown. They assimilated by mixing with local nobility and most of the traditions they used to have are no longer a part of their family. But every de Strontium has something to remind them of their roots, and for Elland it's a musical instrument.


Loyal, attentive, courageous. Straightforward. Never lies for himself but sometimes tells white lies for the sake of other people. Accepts the blame if gets caught and protects his friends with his life (or in our case ends up in detention instead of them if deems it necessary). Stresses a lot (reputation of his family, safety of his loved ones, family business responsibilities, NEWTs he needs to pass to become an Auror) but only close to him people can tell. For the same reason doesn't sleep well. He is too focused on other people and is unsure of himself in personal affairs because he pushes his own needs to the very bottom.

Can make difficult decisions on behalf of other people, be a leader. If he believes that the current leader is doing a bad job or nobody wants to step in and take the role, he'll make his opinion knows, take over/volunteer. If the leadership is strong, he is loyal.

If somebody rubs him the wrong way (maybe they are arrogant, or mean to other students, or are annoying him on purpose, or tease too much) he gets frustrated and can blow up in cold rage.

Additional info:

Classes he picked for year 7: DADA, Charms, Transfiguration, Potions, and History of Magic. Out of those, he needs Potions, DADA and Transfiguration for his NEWTs. His worst class isn't actually the worst, it's more so his weakest, while the best class is not anywhere near Outstanding, he just really likes it and manages to do good. He is a mid-student although he'll really put in the effort for the classes he needs very good NEWTs for in Year 7.

Romantic relationship: Currently dating a boy back in London, it is a painful long-distance relationship. He was a year older so he graduated before Elland. They are not sure if a whole year apart is something they can survive but time will tell.

Special ability clarification: wandless magic. He is an intuitive magic user but hasn't thought about actually honing those skills until recently so he can only do little things for now.

Patronus clarification: Merlin (bird). Elland would not be able to cast it at Hogwarts and won't really have a need to because the charm is not a part of the curriculum. But if he ends up becoming an Auror, he will put in the effort to cast it, as part of the training. Favourite memories to use — any calm and domestic childhood memory together with his family and no worries about the future.

Corporeal patronus
Not in abilities

Merlin (bird). He will learn to cast it during Auror training after Hogwarts. Core memories: happy childhood and familial love.

Family: None
Crush on: None
Partner(s): None
Kissed: None
Had sex: None
Enemies: None