Arabella Gray's profile

Arabella Gray Prefect

Matrix Album Grades
Played by: paledream

Full name: Arabella Gray

Age (Year): 17 years old, 6th year

Birthday: January 12, 1875 (Capricorn, ♑︎)

Sexuality: Bi/Pan

Blood status: Half-blood

Nationalities: British

MBTI: INTP, Logician

D&D alignment: Lawful neutral

Wand: Cedar, Unicorn hair, 12.25″, Surprisingly Swishy, Soft Spiral Honey brown

Abilities: Corporeal patronus, Nonverbal casting

Best classes: Arithmancy, Astronomy, Potions, Study of Ancient Runes, Transfiguration

Worst classes: Flying

Clubs: Page Turners

Default album group:

What they smell like:

Lavender, old books, candle wax, fresh breeze

What they smell in their amortentia:

Bergamot, pears


Arabella spends a lot of time in the library studying. She writes poetry when she is alone, something she uses to relieve stress. She finds comfort near large bodies of water.


Reading, poetry, pressed flowers, sitting near windows, morning walks, baked goods, soft music.


Gossip, wasting time, inconveniences.

  • Arabella and her family live in Muswell Hill, a suburban area near London.
  • Arabella has a younger brother of the age of 7, Evan Gray.
  • Her mother Eleanor Gray (née Fawley), works for the Department of International Magical Cooperation. A very stern and elegant woman.
  • Majority of Arabella’s family members from her mother’s side, the Fawleys, work for the Ministry of Magic. All who happened to be Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws when attending Hogwarts.
  • Arabella is Hector Fawley’s second cousin, a relative.
  • Her father Henry Gray, is a healer at St. Mungos.
  • Henry was raised in an orphanage and he does not know much of his origins or biological parents. As far as Henry knows, his mother was American and a muggle.
  • Henry is a very thoughtful and patient man. Arabella has a soft spot for her father, who is very empathic and loving towards her.
  • Arabella grew up being called her father’s “little assistant.”
  • Arabella learned about remedies and plants from her father, who takes a very holistic approach to healing.
  • Both of her parents have a strong work ethic and culture. So naturally, she is engrossed with figuring out her future. She is conflicted with her career choices.

Arabella is studious, observant, steadfast, and a perfectionist. She is the definition of a morning person. She is self critical, her own worst enemy. She can come across as any and rigid during first impressions. She is caring and thoughtful around her close friends. She stays in her shell, not someone to wander and explore. She tends to be very reserved by default. Very often then not, she is seen rubbing her temples.


Wavy light brown hair, gray/blue eyes, 5’7 height.

Corporeal patronus

Brown Hare
- The swift hare is very commonly associated with haste, fertility/rebirth, change, and life.


Prospero (Great Grey Owl)
- Loyal, fast, quiet, likes clicking back for attention
- Likes exploring at night & stealing bits of Arabella's food

Cedar, Unicorn hair, 12.25″, Surprisingly Swishy, Soft Spiral Honey brown

Henry Gray (Father)
- Lead Healer at St. Mungo’s


Eleanor Gray (née Fawley; Mother)
- Works for Department of International Magical Cooperation (Ministry)


Evan Gray (Brother)
- 7 Years Old