Marnie Lee's profile

Marnie Lee Prefect

Matrix Album Grades

Full name: Marnie Lee

Age (Year): 17 years old, 6th year

Birthday: September 8, 1874 (Virgo, ♍︎)

Sexuality: Unknown

Blood status: Muggleborn

Nationalities: Unknown

MBTI: ISTJ, Logistician

D&D alignment: Lawful good

Wand: Pear, Unicorn hair, 11.25″, Unyielding, Crooked spiral Dark brown

Abilities: Corporeal patronus

Best classes: Arithmancy, Charms, History of Magic, Transfiguration

Worst classes: Divination, Flying

Clubs: Hogwarts Chronicle, Page Turners, Quips & Quills

Default album group:

Studying and reading books.


Learning new things, sugar quills and animals


Flying, Divination, anything she can't explain. She doesn't particularly care for quidditch, but will attend matches to support her house.


Marnie grew up in London with a Muggle family. Her father, Henry Lee, was a doctor and her mother, Alice Lee, was a housewife. She has an older brother, Silas Lee. He is only a year and a half older than her and they are extremely close. Going off to Hogwarts was hard for Marnie at first because she missed her brother terribly. She is the only person in her family to ever display any magical abilities. Her father struggles with her being a witch and it has caused their once close relationship to become strained. However, her mother remains supportive.


Marnie is completely amazed by the magical world and is utterly obsessed with knowledge and absorbing everything she possibly can during her time at Hogwarts. She often overworks herself when it comes to her studies. She is typically a rule follower, but will break them if the circumstances require it. She is always kind, but can be a bit sassy. She is bold, brave and never shies away from a challenge. However, she has been described as bossy at times and a bit blunt.


She is approximately 5'6, with dark brown curly hair and brown eyes.

Corporeal patronus





Orange Tabby

Pear, Unicorn hair, 11.25″, Unyielding, Crooked spiral Dark brown

Name: Silas Lee
Age: 18
Blood Status: Muggle
Occupation: Still in School


Name: Henry Lee
Age: 40
Blood Status: Muggle
Occupation: Muggle Doctor


Name: Alice Lee
Age: 39
Blood Status: Muggle
Occupation: Doting on her children

Received presents:

From Lucan Brattleby
Letter text

Lucan's gift box to Marnie after one of their study sessions together.