Lilit Azizyan's profile

Lilit Azizyan

Matrix Album Grades
Played by: ajdahakkk

Full name: Lilit Azizyan

Age (Year): 17 years old, 6th year

Birthday: December 9, 1874 (Sagittarius, ♐︎)

Sexuality: Straight

Blood status: Pure-blood

Nationalities: Armenian/French

MBTI: ENFP, Campaigner

D&D alignment: Neutral good

Wand: Chestnut, Dragon scale, 13.00″, Slightly Springy, Spiral Grey

Abilities: Corporeal patronus

Best classes: Care of Magical Creatures, Muggle Studies, Transfiguration

Worst classes: History of Magic

Clubs: Break A Leg, Witches, Wizards & Weevils

What they smell like:

Sweet. it's like smelling straight up from a candy packet. Like a human block of sugar.

What they smell in their amortentia:

Peach because it is her favorite fruit, animal fur for her love for animals, orchidea because it remind her of her home. Another last smell come around : apple pie, cinnamon and fresh herb……. Garreth


Dancing, singing, playing games, taking care of creatures/animals, eating, cooking, talking, do sport, playing the piano and the kanon


Favorite drink : Orange juice
Favorite food : Perashki
Favorite snack : Anything
Favorite animal : Any dog
Favorite magical creature : Dragon
Favorite plant : Pompon Dahlia
Favorite place : ROR
Favorite color : Dark red
Favorite weather : Stormy
Favorite instrument : Piano/duduk
Favorite season : Autumn
Favorite gemstone : Garnet


Disliked drink : Any alcohol
Disliked food : None
Disliked snack : None
Disliked animal : Mosquitoes
Disliked magical creature : Thornback
Disliked plant : Any plant which itches
Disliked place : Any lake/beach
Disliked color : Grey
Disliked weather : When it’s too hot
Disliked instrument : The flute (Haïk annoy her with that)
Disliked season : Summer
Disliked gemstone : Smoky quartz


Her parents met in Hogwarts during their scolarity. A meandering troublemaker, unpleasant and arrogant, a benevolent and kind woman but yet with a strong character. How could they start a relationship together? We wonder, yet about twenty years later the two individuals founded a family with their three children, Lilit and her two young brothers. The first is called Haik, 12 years old and himself a Gryffindor. The youngest named Zaven is only 8 years old.

What is certain is that Vart’s passion and interest in the magical creatures was indeed shared with his wife, Sirarpi. Both of them and with the help of other members of the family interested in the project, this was not what was missing, they came to open a large reserve hosting hundreds of animals.

The Azizyan family is a pure-blooded family of Armenian origins considered, in the same way as the weasleys, as one of the most eminent families of sorcerers but above all traitors to their blood. Their respect for sorcerers who do not have pure-blood and even for Muggles depreciate them in the eyes of other pure-blooded.

They live between the two worlds, sometimes integrated among the Muggles, to avoid not knowing enough about them and being lost because of their new technologies. The Azizyan are described as one of the largest wizarding families ever known to date by their number, easily passing the 100 individuals, but also as having talented sorcerers among them. Legilimens, occlumans, animagus, magic user without a wand and so on.

Lilit’s childhood was mainly spent in her parents’ workplace. Mostly surrounded by animals, she preferred to spend her time in their company than with other of her classmates during her youth. Despite everything, she became much more sociable after her coming to Hogwarts, sharing her passion with many other people.

The eldest of the new generation of her family with more than thirty children to date, she was the first to receive her letter of acceptance in Hogwarts. A happy day for the whole family who made it a big deal, the party in full swing in the family home.

It seem that she can communicate in a total of 4 languages, English, Armenian, French and Russian, but is very interested in the language of the sirens she recently started studying.

A little anecdote of “why did she go in detention” among many others: Once, in botanic class, a boy with long hair sat behind her had detached his hair and began to move it in all directions throughout the hour. From 1, it made an unbearable noise and 2, his hair slammed against her skull for ONE HOURS. She had tried to keep calm but finally, she took out her scissors and cut off his hair by throwing it in his face. Good.. She was fired from class and in detention right after but she was proud of herself.

During her first 5 years at Hogwarts she was able to forge a small reputation although she remained discreet in her own way. Her peaks of anger were not ignored, however, some did not prefer to approach her when she seemed in a bad mood on such a day. Rarely problematic, in any case much less than some of her cousins. Lilit is not such a studious student but also not too mediocre, on average, the only thing that could disturb her teachers is her incessant chatter in class, even when she is kept away from her friends.


During her summer vacation in the fourth year, Lilit traveled with her parents to Australia. She made a wonderful meeting engraved in her memory that she will never forget. A young Antipodean Opaleye, victim of poachers found in a cave she visited by chance to help her family in her research :

Sunbeams pierce the darkness from the heights, staining with light the imposing chains running through the floor of the cave. Butterflies twirl above them, ignoring the huge beast hindered by them and the imposing harness around his neck. The creature is still extended, wounded, its four limbs chained by steel ropes getting lost in the forest of scales stained with bright red blood.

The beast is not dead, however, and as Lilit slowly approaches her, she raises her head and agitates, screams when she approaches him head-on, and tries to keep her in his field of vision when she tries to bypass it. He seems young and really suffering, so the girl decides to take her courage with both hands and get close to his hind limbs

She pulls and pulls again, coming to use a few tools that her father had left her at the stroke or she would find herself in a delicate situation, until the chain is released. The creature feeling one of his legs free itself made an unexpected movement, his tail coming inadvertently to send the lady to waltz against the cave wall. She loses consciousness.

When she wakes up, the “Men-devouring Beast” is not far from there, suffering the martyr and unable to stand, a heavy collar surrounding his neck. Having no way out and feeling an abnormal feeling of sympathy for the dragon - despite his terrible reputation and monstrous size - she tried to help him, again.

She had stayed for an hour, maybe two? Lilit had lost track of time. With her head rotating following the shock received earlier, the blonde still managed to save and heal, with the little equipment she had, the majestic creature whose immaculate white had been soiled by blood. Exhausted, the two beings had remained lying there, taking their breath. Perhaps she had rested a little too much since Lilit came to fall asleep against the ground, awakened only a time later by her mother panicked by the sight of her daughter surrounded by blood not belonging to her but especially without any presence of the dragon, if not one of his scales.


As you can probably guess. She's not very good with words, unable to show too much physical or verbal affection to her family, and not at all to her friends. There's always that little something that gets in the way, and it's time to understand why. Let's introduce her family again. Seen from the outside, there's nothing extraordinary about them except their sheer numbers. Family with over 100 members living in the same town, peacefully going about their lives without causing anyone any problems.

But as you can imagine, nothing can be perfect, and given their numbers, one of them was bound to go wrong. It was when she was 7 that a man was introduced to Lilit as her father's cousin, and therefore an uncle to her, who had come all the way from America to live with them. Despite her young age, she had already inherited her father's sixth sense. The moment she saw him, she already disliked him. Something about him emanated an aura of being a big jerk, and her dad himself didn't seem thrilled that he was moving to the country. Every time he came to the house, she would lock herself in her room to avoid any contact, when she saw him in the street, the girl would automatically change her route, and so on.

One year, her grandmother lost her life. It was quite astonishing for the Azizyan. Her grandmother wasn't that old, and despite what her parents told her, she didn't look sick either. The following year, her grandfather passed away. Once again, the same problem was present: not old enough, in great shape, and yet she was told that he had passed away due to a serious incurable illness. Of course, these were all lies told to protect the little girl from the truth, just like to all the other children in the family.

The same scenario was repeated several times, as the killer picked them off one by one. Great protective measures were taken. No child or vulnerable person was to be left out of sight. But then... Lilit may have been so beautiful that when she smiled, you gave her everything, but she didn't have the role of her family's disaster child for nothing.

It all happened when she was 10 years old. One day, on her way home from school, she decided to take a shortcut, far too tired to take her usual route through the crowded streets of the Muggle town. Her parents had asked her to do this, but she still didn't understand why and could afford to make an exception that day. Why be so complicated when she could be fast ? No one had explained to her that a killer, a long-lost member of the family, was attacking them one by one.

Unfortunately, it was at the end of the street she'd just taken that she saw him, this "uncle" she hated so much. Her smile faded at breakneck speed, her eyebrows furrowing. Hadn't he gone to another town? Don't tell her he'd come to visit them and on top of that, he just happened to bump into HER. She couldn't even avoid him as usual, as he'd clearly seen this time. Lilit had huffed and puffed, savoring defeat, and showing all the politeness she'd been taught, she'd approached him with a smile on her face.

– Hi Hrach, how are you? Haven't seen you in a while.

And she wished she'd never seen him again, that's for sure. Reaching a point where she could see his face, Lilit stopped dead in her tracks and moved backwards. Her gaze plunged into the older man eyes seemingly abject molasses of deceit, malice and mockery. Clearly, she hadn't missed him. However, unlike the other times, something was really wrong and she knew it. So much so that large beads of sweat had begun to bead down her forehead as she continued to take a few steps backwards.

They hadn't exchanged so much as a word following the younger girl’s greeting. Silence reigned in the alley. Right up until the moment when the man leapt at her, fist raised to strike a violent blow in her face. What do you expect a 10-year-old to do in a situation like that? She crumpled to the ground the instant she received the blow, of course. A girl as frail as she was, barely over five feet tall, could do nothing against a mountain of fat. No weapon to defend herself... With what little strength she had in her slender arms, she kneed him in the ribs.

Just a blow, enough to send him to the side, but not enough to really hurt him. Reacting to her opportunity, Lilit got up on her two legs, trembling like a newborn doe, and equipped herself with her favorite brooch hanging from her hair. With this, she had tried to attack him, only succeeding in cutting his face a little bit. But unfortunately it wasn't enough to overcome the deranged man. Quick to get to his feet, the scumbag had taken advantage of the young teenager's to hold her down. The man then tied her up and threw her into a lake, leaving her to die behind him.

But don't worry, there are lots and lots of policemen in this Muggle neighborhood. Barely clinging to life, she was discovered by one of them, alerted by the bubbles in the water caused by Lilit gradually letting the air out of her lungs. Taken to hospital as a matter of urgency, it was only thanks to the highly experienced doctors that she escaped alive and unharmed. Physically, there was no trace of what had happened, but mentally, the little girl was shattered, developing an obvious phobia of water and its depths, an immense hatred of the man and an iron will to become a person who could protect her family.

It also served as a lesson to the parents who, to avoid a repeat of this scenario, revealed the whole truth to the rest of the children. Events of this kind became rare when Lilit was able to reveal the killer's identity, but he was never caught. To this day, no one knows where the man went.


Lilit, a woman with an appetite that defies logic, seeming able to devour meals for a table of ten guests. Her stomach is a real treasure of greed, ready to welcome a feast worthy of kings. A black hole, as her closest friends say. She never seems to stop. Under this image of force, she carries an invisible burden, an anger that sometimes invades her, without her always being able to understand the source. But despite these internal storms, Lilit is a young woman who illuminates the days of all those who are lucky enough to know her. Her sense of humor is a fountain of laughter, a rare jewel that shines in dark moments.

She is a friend you can count on in all circumstances, a shoulder to rest on when the winds of life get strong. Her strong character is admired, a force that guides her through challenges and obstacles, an unwavering determination.

Lilit has a strong sense of protection towards her loved ones. She is ready to do anything to defend them. This is also the reason why she takes her role as an elder so close to heart. As a Gryffindor, she can sometimes act impulsively, making quick decisions based on her instinct and passion rather than reflection. This can take her to complicated situations.

Her laughter, which resonates like a joyful symphony, illuminates even the darkest days. She appreciates humor in all its forms, able to find lightness in every nuance of life. Lilit knows that laughter is a healing balm, a magic that transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary. She can laugh at the little absurdities of life, transforming innocuous moments into joyful memories. A word juggler, a magician of laughter, she makes every moment a chapter in the book of joy.

In the art of trickery, Lilit is an unparalleled virtuoso. Her mind is a factory where every lie takes shape in the blink of an eye. It is a skill that she handles with unparalleled mastery, allowing her to get out of impossible impasses, always escaping reprimands thanks to her talent. Like a chameleon, she can create tailor-made characters, take on fictional roles without a shadow of hesitation. The truth seems to bow to her will, hiding behind fake words, while she adds crocodile tears to give striking credibility to her stories.

Lilit makes considerable efforts in everything she undertakes... at least, when laziness does not get involved, which is almost all the time. Her disinterest combined with a casual attitude are her most frequently observed defects, especially in class, where disaster often lurks.

Endowed with undeniable courage, this young girl has little fear. She dares to take actions that most people would not even dare to consider. However, her audacity does not manifest itself in all situations. For example, she reveals extreme shyness when it comes to speaking in front of an entire class for a presentation or exercise on the board, when she could without hesitation jump into the mouth of a dragon to defend someone.


Lilit seems to come straight out of a dream, she's so simple that it becomes authentic, leaving a false impression of fragility in people's minds. A sweetness for the eyes that will never cease to touch us, a perfect reflection of the person we'd like to have been. Carried on tall legs, this young woman's upper body looks like the fruit of months of training. No trace of excess fat on her body. Lilit seems to have inherited a long, silky head of hair, which comes in almost angelic blonde strands ending in a few waves. Each pigment is in harmony with her face, which looks just as soft. A true beauty with angelic allure, she borders on beauty success with her perfect skin. She literally waxes her whole body, with not a trace of hair to be seen apart from her eyelashes and eyebrows. Even so, she's quite beardless by nature, so hair doesn't grow very often. Her eyes are like those of a doe, a single gray color, as if a flood had passed through them.

Additional info:

𓂀 | Lilit has recurring nightmares when she sleeps. They've lessened over time but she still has them, probably once a week. The scenario is always the same, repeating the events that took place when she last met her uncle 6 years ago.

𓂀 | She doesn't like alcohol and refuses to drink it. Her crazy uncle drinks a lot. She's almost afraid of it, and prefers to stay away from people who are too drunk and out of control.

𓂀 | Her family is delighted when she's at school, because they don't have to go to the expense of filling her stomach for at least 10 months !

𓂀 | Since the incident in the Muggle world, she has learned to fight, since it is forbidden to use magic to defend oneself there.

𓂀 | She refuses to go near the black lake. At least not too close.

𓂀 | At the age of 1, while learning to walk, she broke a window with her head, resulting in a scar behind her left eyebrow.

𓂀 | When she was 2, she got her head stuck between bars, and her parents found her by following her cries.

𓂀 | She once stole her father's razor at the age of 3 and shaved her face, ending up with a magnificent scar on her forehead.

𓂀 | She's 4 years old, she yawns, gets her feet caught in the carpet and falls forward, mouth open. There's a plant on the coffee table, a stake in the plant, and she sticks the stake in her mouth.

𓂀 | When she was 5, she got a big scar on the inside of her elbow because she was afraid of a grasshopper. When she recoiled in fear, she tore off her skin on the window sill.

𓂀 | When she was 6, some children made her believe she could fly. She jumped from the first-floor balcony but fortunately landed in the bushes below the window without breaking anything.

𓂀 | When she was 7, she broke her arm when she fell out of bed to go to the toilet.

𓂀 | At the age of 8, she was hit by a balloon at full speed, resulting in a black eye.

𓂀 | When she was 10, she displaced a rib by sneezing too hard.

𓂀 | When she was about 11, she broke her wrist in the mountains. Not by falling, but by sitting down suddenly in the snow.

𓂀 | When she was 12, she was out walking with her family in Spain. She ran too fast down a slope and couldn't stop. Lilit ran straight into a cactus thorn. She still has a scar on the underside of her chest.

𓂀 | When she was 13, she twisted her ankle while walking, caught herself off balance on a pole and broke her finger.

𓂀 | When she was 14, she broke her finger jumping on her cousin. Her finger got caught in his coat and flipped over.

𓂀 | When she was 15, everything was going well.

𓂀 | Recently she tried to jump a metal fence . She split her knee, limped for a week and got a new scar for life.

𓂀 | Lilit has developed an incredible resistance to pain.

𓂀 | Her notebook contains very detailed notes on various magical creatures and animals. These are very precious to her, so to avoid anyone reading them without her permission, she writes them in various languages such as French, Armenian, Russian or sometimes, if the information is not very important, in English.

𓂀 | She can play the piano, the Kanon and dance. Specifically Armenian, classical and ballroom dance.

𓂀 | She try to become an animagus.

𓂀 | Lilit can see Thestrals.

𓂀 | The young lady suffer from a blood curse that make her feel hungry everyday, anytime, even after eating a whole meal for 10 persons. She can’t do anything against it.

Corporeal patronus

Her happiest memory implying a dragon, it take the same form as the one she saved when she use the spell.


The Azizyan crest have a Christian cross in the middle. Do not worry, they are not some kind of extremist. And of course, dragon in the background, one of the beast representing their country.


She love to wake up with the sunlight in the morning, never closing her window. There is lot of creatures study scrolls on her wall and a dragon plushie she keep in her arms to help her sleep.


A house somewhere in France. Many spells are used to keep secret what we can call… an animal reserve full of creatures of all kind, magical or not. Probably one of the biggest one in the world.


A piano kept at her house. She love the sound of it and is sometimes seen in the music classroom playing the piano when she is bored with nothing better to do.


The Qanûn is an Armenian instrument. She could bring this one with her at hogwarts and is now in her room. Play it when nobody is around so to not annoy with the sound of it.


A female barn owl named Lucine (meaning moon in Armenian)


A female Turkish angora named Arev (meaning sun in Armenian)


A male phoenix named Hrair (meaning fire in Armenian). He is 78 years old and is kept in her magic bag most of the time where he can fly freely.

Chestnut, Dragon scale, 13.00″, Slightly Springy, Spiral Grey

It is made with the scale of the dragon she saved a few years ago. Maybe it will help her to find him again one day.


Azizyan Sirarpi, 36 years old, ex Hufflepuff, magizoologist


Azizyan Vart, 40 years old, ex slytherin, magizoologist (dragon specialist)


Azizyan Haïk, 11 years old, gryffindor


Azizyan Alex, 7 years old, futur Hufflepuff

Given presents: