Poppy Sweeting's profile

Poppy Sweeting

Matrix Album Grades

Full name: Poppy Rose Sweeting

Age (Year): 17 years old, 6th year

Birthday: May 3, 1875 (Taurus, ♉︎)

Sexuality: Bi/Pan

Blood status: Pure-blood

Nationalities: British

MBTI: ISFP, Adventurer

D&D alignment: Chaotic good

Wand: Rowan, Unicorn hair, 9.50″, Quite Flexible, Spiral Light brown

Abilities: Corporeal patronus

Best classes: Care of Magical Creatures, Charms, Herbology

Worst classes: Arithmancy, History of Magic

Clubs: Crossed Wands, Witches, Wizards & Weevils

Default album group:

What they smell like:

Sunshine, hay, freshly baked pastries, apples


Caring for all types of creatures (magical or not), spending time outdoors exploring


Petting and feeding all of the cats around the castle grounds, exploring the forbidden forest


Poachers, People being cruel to animals, meat


Poppy was born to Angus and Violet Sweeting in 1875. They were part of a ring of poachers, who hunted and traded magical creatures. Poppy never saw eye to eye with her parents and she certainly did not agree with their lifestyle. One fateful day, the group of poachers captured a Hippogriff. Poppy could not stand the way the creature was being treated. So, she broke him free and ran away from her parents.

After she escaped from her parents, she went to live with her Grandmother, Rose. She has a very close and loving relationship with her Grandmother. While her childhood did not start out happy, her Grandmother made up for a lot it.


Poppy is an Adventurer (ISFP-A). She is incredibly kind-hearted and will be nice to anyone she meets. Unless that person happens to be unkind to any type of creature. Poppy can be ferocious in her defense of anything that cannot defend itself. She is an extremely loyal person and if you have gained her trust, she will go to any length to help you. She is slightly unorganized and is not the neatest person and she can be terribly stubborn. Her mind is often wandering off to whatever next adventure she has planned. She sometimes forgets to do her homework for other classes that do not interest her. She is resourceful and always willing to help those that ask for it. While dueling is not her favorite pastime, she is fairly skilled at it.


Poppy is very small in stature, with short dark brown hair and brown eyes.

Corporeal patronus

St. Bernard

Rowan, Unicorn hair, 9.50″, Quite Flexible, Spiral Light brown

Rose Longbottom "Gran"
Age: 58
Blood Status: Pure -Blood
Former House: Hufflepuff