Alec Macmillan's profile

Alec Macmillan

Matrix Album Grades

Full name: Alec David Macmillan

Age (Year): 18 years old, 7th year

Birthday: September 7, 1873 (Virgo, ♍︎)

Sexuality: Bi/Pan

Blood status: Pure-blood

Nationalities: Scottish

MBTI: ESFP, Entertainer

D&D alignment: Chaotic good

Wand: Hazel, Dragon heartstring, 14.25″, Reasonably Supple, Classic Dark brown

Abilities: Corporeal patronus

Best classes: Care of Magical Creatures, Charms, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Flying

Worst classes: History of Magic, Potions

Clubs: Crossed Wands

Default album group:

Quidditch, dueling, hanging out with friends


Exploding snap, dragons, butterbeer, anything cinnamon flavored


Having to be quiet, attending class, homework, sour things (food and people, he can’t stand someone that is never in a good mood, unless he has decided you are one of his people then you can be as bitter as you want)


He grew up in Wigtown, Scotland. He had a very stable and happy upbringing. His father, Clyde Macmillan, is a local broom-maker and his mother, Aileen, is a potioneer, who owns a shop in Wigtown.

He is one of three children. His older brother, Grant, is 20 years old. He was a Hufflepuff. Alec and Grant are very close and did everything together, even when he was at Hogwarts. It has been an adjustment for Alec to not have his brother there the past two years. He also has a little sister, Bonnie. She is 13 years old and in her third year at Hogwarts. She is also a Hufflepuff. He is very protective of her.


He is extremely outgoing and at times has been described as loud. You will never not walk into a room and not know Alec is there. He has never met a stranger and is able to strike up a conversation with just about anyone. He never sits still, constantly bouncing from one activity to the next. His constant need for movement is what draws him to Quidditch. He is obsessed with the sport. He plays beater as it is one of the positions where he is constantly on the move doing something. His favorite professional team is the Wigtown Wanderers. He has a lot of excess energy he tries to burn off during the day so that he can sleep at night. You will generally find him outside doing something physically exerting, such as practicing quidditch, dueling or just exercising. He wants to be a dragonologist after graduation.


He is 6'1, lean but still muscular, blue eyes, dark brown hair, sparse freckles across his cheeks and nose and he usually has a bit of stubble.

Corporeal patronus

Those with the Bloodhound as a Patronus have good morals and a loyal heart. Their moral values revolve around what is right for those around them and keeping life fair. They are


Archimedes, Barn Owl

Hazel, Dragon heartstring, 14.25″, Reasonably Supple, Classic Dark brown

Name: Aileen Macmillan, née Abbott
Age: 41 years old
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Occupation: Potioneer
Former Hufflepuff


Name: Clyde Macmillan
Age: 43 years old
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Occupation: Broom-maker, owns Wonder Sweep Brooms, Operates tree farm
Former Hufflepuff


Name: Grant Macmillan
Age: 20 years old
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Occupation: Apprentice Broom-maker
Former Hufflepuff


Name: Bonnie Macmillan
Age: 13years old
Blood Status: Pure-blood
School: Third Year
House: Hufflepuff