Agellos Xicluna's profile

Agellos Xicluna

Matrix Album Grades
Played by: ajdahakkk

Full name: Agellos Xicluna

Age (Year): 18 years old, 7th year

Birthday: March 23, 1874 (Aries, ♈︎)

Sexuality: Bi/Pan

Blood status: Pure-blood

Nationalities: Italian

MBTI: ENTP, Debater

D&D alignment: Chaotic neutral

Wand: Dogwood, Dragon heartstring, 13.00″, Quite Bendy, Spiral Honey brown

Abilities: Corporeal patronus, Legilimens, Talking to animals

Best classes: Care of Magical Creatures, Potions, Study of Ancient Runes, Transfiguration

Worst classes: Arithmancy, Art/Muggle Art, Ghoul Studies

Clubs: Hogwarts Chronicle

Default album group:

He is the only son of a wealthy businessman and an Auror. The two of them met in a... how shall I put it? When his mother was 16, she had a crush on a stranger in the Hogwarts Express, so she went to see him and told him to leave his girlfriend, because she was the woman of his life, and today that stranger is his father. Agellos was never to be pitied since everything was always served to him on a silver platter, except the presence of his father. He would have liked him to accompany him to the park, but he was far too busy with meetings, business trips and everything else a businessman has to do. Same goes for his mother. Apart from the fact that it was mainly his grandmother who looked after him, there's not much exciting to say about his life, except that his love of detective novels is what made him this way.


For the most part, Agellos displays a happy-go-lucky, outgoing, and very bizarre personality. He frequently plays pranks peoples, makes fun of the other (and himself), and, in response to just about anything, will respond with a series of laughs. He's essentially your typical jokester who holds a passion for collecting Itali.

Agellos has a distinctive nickname that comes up a lot: "Hogwarts encyclopedia". This is hardly surprising, as the young man has information on everything and anything. Recent fights ? He manages. Students, prefects, teachers ? No problem. New students ? Sure. Local news ? He knows before anyone else. Criminal organizations in every district ? THAT'S HIS FAVORITE SUBJECT ! Agellos is the king of gossip and nothing escapes him, believe me.

He's a menace, actively looking for trouble. Agellos is feisty, impetuous and playful. He's rarely shown to be serious or focused, and tends to have fun even when faced with an extremely dangerous enemy. What's more, he's a rude individual and regularly mocks his enemies, taking pleasure in putting them down. He loves to create chaos, which he can laugh about later.

A hufflepuff to be sure, but a hufflepuff not to be underestimated. He may be the last person to defeat someone physically, but he's in the best position to screw up your social life in two seconds flat. He's good at gathering information and sometimes won't hesitate to work with the highest bidders. In exchange for money, he'll provide you with as much information as you want. He seems to be very well-connected, knowing top-secret information that is unlikely to be easily obtained when you know how well-guarded it is.

He's surprisingly adept at learning about subjects that interest him, such as criminal organizations. His knowledge is always reliable and has helped his friends countless times. He is also very enthusiastic about subjects, sometimes interacting with and meeting every member about whom he has in-depth knowledge, which both frightens and excites him.

Agellos is highly adept at gathering and processing information, displaying almost total knowledge of the region, to the point where he is referred to as the "Hogwarts encyclopedia". He is deeply informed about present and past events in the region, aware of multiple criminal organizations, their relationships and power dynamics, and also knows their internal structures, to the point where he could describe almost the entire formation of even enigmatic criminal organizations, being able to discern the make-up of most of their members and even obscure figures. He can also recount the causality of Hogwarts events in great detail, although he has no known direct involvement with any of the events.

To say that he doesn't know the entire region by heart would be a huge lie. So much so, in fact, that he doesn't even need to have a book with him any more, as his brain is so much faster and more efficient. By the time someone comes out to do some research, he'll have told them everything he knows about the person in front of him. Speaking of his memory, it's elephantine. So much so that it becomes worrying at times. Never make a promise to him if you don't intend to keep it, because despite the passing years, he'll be able to remember the exact date, time and phrase of what you told him.

He stands by his friends and is loyal to them, helping them in his own way. Agellos may be an insufferable person at times, but he'll always show comradeship, share advice and always be understanding and ready to help. He has this ability to think of others before himself, and to be there for them in good times and bad.

He has two big dreams, and if one doesn't come true, he'll bet everything on the other. First of all, he'd like to be a detective. Detective books are a great passion of his, and it's partly because of this that he has become what he is today. And then came the wish to be a journalist. The kind who's really sincere about getting the truth out to everyone, even if it means pissing off the big boys.

Additional info:

𓂈 | He is fluent in Italian, English, French and Spanish + Morse code and sign language.

𓂈 | Would have loved being a metamorphmagus at least he wouldn’t need to make so many potions to change his appearance.

𓂈 | Agellos is not ashamed to use any beast at his advantage to gain any kind of information. But do not worry, he is not mean with them.

𓂈 | His ex-girlfriend cheated on him in the past, but unfortunately for her, as discreet as she would have liked to be, the Xicluna discovered the secret very quickly and wasted no time in breaking up with her.

𓂈 | Excels in transfiguration spells and appearance-changing potions. Always very useful for his personal investigations.

𓂈 | He knows he's hated by a lot of students, but it's honestly a bad reputation he's willing to accept with arms wide open and doesn't seem to bother him any more than that.

𓂈 | He dreams of becoming a journalist or a detective. His only desire is to reveal the truth to the world on every conceivable subject, because he totally refuses to live in an environment filled with lies.

𓂈 | Agellos is ambidextrous.

𓂈 | He has an important collection of detective novels.

𓂈 | As cliché as it may sound, Agellos, like any good Italian, can't help but talk with his hands. When he's angry, his accent comes through loud and clear.

𓂈 | He changes topic really quickly when he’s talking about something because it remind him of something else.

𓂈 | Never tired, even when he don’t sleep for a while. But even like that Agellos do his best to sleep at least a few hours so that he can’t unsee things that can be interesting for.. him.

𓂈 | Agellos possesses an eidetic memory (photographic memory, or absolute memory), which is the ability to remember a large number of images, sounds or objects in minute detail.

𓂈 | Currently learning legilimency with Odessa when they have some time at night.

Corporeal patronus



A male tawny owl named Feluda


A male siamese cat named Salvo


A male squirrel named Risotto

Dogwood, Dragon heartstring, 13.00″, Quite Bendy, Spiral Honey brown

Xicluna Angelina, 16 years old, Hufflepuff

Received presents:

From Dimitry Yusupov
Letter text

With the letter comes a box where lies a journal with a buckle.

From Robyn Walter
Letter text

With the letter comes a small box with a fountain pen inside of it. A small instruction note to it implies that it's enchanted with the Refilling Charm so that the ink never run out.

Given presents: