Dimitry Yusupov's profile

Dimitry Yusupov Prefect

Matrix Album Grades
Played by: robyn_walter

Full name: Dimitry Felixovich Yusupov

Age (Year): 18 years old, 7th year

Birthday: March 24, 1874 (Aries, ♈︎)

Sexuality: Bi/Pan

Blood status: Pure-blood

Nationalities: Russian

MBTI: ENTP, Debater

D&D alignment: Chaotic neutral

Wand: Hazel, Dragon heartstring, 13.75″, Quite Bendy, Soft Spiral Dusty pink

Abilities: Corporeal patronus, Nonverbal casting

Best classes: Defence Against the Dark Arts, Muggle Studies, Transfiguration

Worst classes: Care of Magical Creatures, Potions

Clubs: Break A Leg, Crossed Wands

Default album group:
Midjourney album group:

What they smell like:

Rich perfume, Pine forest, Cones, Coffee


Fashion, cross-dressing, gossip, fencing


Being rich, smoking, flirting with people, being dramatic


Politics, prudes, people trying to dominate him (unless he's allowing it)


Prince Dimitry Felixovich Yusupov, an heir of Yusupov family, one of the richest families in the Russian Empire. As an only child, from the day he was born he was adored and pampered. As a typical aristocrat, from his childhood he was taught to play piano, violin; how to ride a horse, hunt, paint, fence, dance. Basically a lot of things. One of his main interest though always was dressing, and he made no difference between male and female clothes. He could easily wear a ball gown and his mother's jewelry to public events. Nobody would dare say a thing, of course, about his flamboyant behaviour.

As a pure-blooded wizard, at some point he would have to go to a magic school. Home school was only good to some extension. His first school was the same as for majority of Russian Empire's wizards and witches – Koldovstvoretz. Academically he wasn't a very good student, but there were some subjects he was very good at.

After his middle school exam, during the summer his family decided that it might be good for him to also try studying in Europe. Dimitry could fluently speak English and French, so there were two choices. In truth, Beauxbatons attracted him more, but his family decided to send him to Hogwarts. Yes, the climate in Scotland wasn't so different from Russian, but he would rather enjoy French soft climate. A pity.

He transferred and were assigned in 6th year, then sorted into Slytherin. Though it fitted his personality the most, Dimitry from the first day hated his common room. Dungeons weren't good for his skin and it was cold as hell there! Using a wand for casting magic was also a challenge for him, as Russian wizards usually used their magic rings, and holding a wand while wearing rings weren't exactly comfortable. So he often just used his ring, which many people thought were a wandless casting, as he never told anybody about his magic ring.


He's la bohème. He is dramatic and arrogant. He's Cazanova and womanizer. He openly flirts with anyone and everyone. He knows his worth and knows that he's fabulous. You will never see him ashamed of anything. Some people might think that he's just a silly little prince, but he's actually quite smart and observant.

He knows how to stand up for himself, both in verbal and physical fight. The only opinion he cares about is his own and those that are close to him, though it's not easy to join his inner circle.

If someone tries to mock him because of his passion to cross-dressing, he's going to politely smile, look the person over from head to toe and say:
"Oh, дорогуша (dearie), it's amusing that you assume your opinion matter to me."

He smokes, and he enjoys sex in every way possible. He enjoys giving, he enjoys taking, and bedroom is one of this rare places where you could actually see him on his knees.


Oh my, where to even start.
He has a whole closet of clothes, both male and female, he enjoys changing outfits every day. He's quite good in transfiguration, so he sometimes transfigures his own clothes. Sometimes he wears a lot of jewellery, sometimes none. He could wear heavy makeup or not wear any at all. One day he's walking around in almost fully unbuttoned shirt, the other day he's wearing a fur coat.

He's quite pale due to lack of the sun, has dark eyes and dirty blonde wavy middle length hair. His skin is flawless, without any freckles, scars or acne. He basically looks like an older version of cherubs from pictures.

Corporeal patronus

Patronus of a lynx


Historical Yusupov family coat of arms


Yusupov palace on Moika


Sofya, named after Sofya Kovalevskaya

Hazel, Dragon heartstring, 13.75″, Quite Bendy, Soft Spiral Dusty pink

Zinaida Nikolayevna Yusupova, 1848, the only heiress of Russia's largest private fortune of her time. Intelligent, hospitable, socially skilled, and beautiful.


Prince Felix Felixovich Yusupov (since 1872), count Sumarokov-Elston, 1843. Married Zinaida in 1869, in 1872 was granted permission from the Emperor to inherit prince title from his wife.

Received presents:

From Llewella Gryffindor

Given to him at his birthday party

The brunette proudly handed him the box containing a ring she'd had custom-made just for the Russian boy.
– I hope you’ll like it !

From Robyn Walter

Wand handle, gifted to Dimitry on his birthday party.

From Doris Hecat

Happy birthday! ❤️

From Julian Payne

To Dimitry, From a very drunk friend. No name

From Ominis Gaunt

Given to Dimitry at his birthday party
He reaches into his pants pocket and procures a small box, handing it off to his fellow blonde. "All the more reason to give you your present, as your friendship has been quite valuable to me these past years. I hope the value of these suits you just as well."

From Roy Hecat

I wish you all the best, Dimitry. You truly deserve the stars, the moon, and far more than that.

Given presents:

To Agellos Xicluna
Letter text

With the letter comes a box where lies a journal with a buckle.

To Doris Hecat
Letter text

With the letter comes a red box with golden ribbon. Inside the box is a book with the title: "Dragons of Europe and Asia".

To Roy Hecat
Letter text

With the letter comes a simple black box with golden ribbon. Inside the box can be found a first edition of "Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometeus" in 3 volumes.