Julian Payne's profile

Julian Payne

Matrix Album Grades
Played by: paledream

Full name: Julian Payne

Age (Year): 18 years old, 7th year

Birthday: November 30, 1873 (Sagittarius, ♐︎)

Sexuality: Bi/Pan

Blood status: Pure-blood

Nationalities: British

MBTI: ESTP, Entrepreneur

D&D alignment: Chaotic neutral

Wand: Chestnut, Phoenix feather, 11.50″, Solid, Classic Dark brown

Abilities: Corporeal patronus

Best classes: Care of Magical Creatures, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Flying, Muggle Studies

Worst classes: Astronomy, Potions

Default album group:

What they smell like:

Firewood, whiskey, butterscotch, pinecones

What they smell in their amortentia:

Apples, burnt matches


Quodpot, Quidditch, dueling, the outdoors.


Fire whiskey, sweets, drama.


Confinement, formal events, being compared to his father.

  • Before his parents divorced, Julian lived in a large house in Hampstead, London.
  • His father, Jacob Payne, is a retired Quidditch Player. He played for the Montrose Magpies. Now he works for the Department of Magical Games and Sports.
  • His mother, Evelyn Diggory, currently works for The Magical Congress of the United States of America (MACUSA).
  • Evelyn moved to America with Julian (age 10) after getting divorced.
  • Julian bought his wand from Ollivanders before moving.
  • Both of Julian’s parents remarried after getting divorced.
  • Evelyn was not Jacob’s first marriage.
  • Julian transferred to Hogwarts to stay with his father.
  • He went to Ilvermorny when he lived with his mother in America (Thunderbird).
  • Julian was sent away to stay with his father due to getting into trouble at school.
  • Julian moved into Jacob Payne’s manor is in Belgravia, London in the summer before his 7th year.
  • Julian has 2 half brothers, he is the middle child.
  • Julian found out that his father actually cheated on his mother when he was 14. He found out during a family gathering when the grown ups were talking freely and talking badly about “Evelyn’s ex-husband". This made Julian resent his father.
  • Julian’s mother found a new husband two years after her divorce, and is currently raising a child.

Julian is someone who is easily bored, and his boredom is mistaken for laziness. He likes to loiter wherever he pleases. Julian becomes very energetic when he is interested or likes something. But he could also be dramatic, apathetic, attention seeking. Julian enjoys bantering and taunting others. He was a bit of a bully when he was younger. Despite his chaotic and reckless nature, he is a very loyal ride or die friend with tons of luck. One of his only talents is flying, something he was trained to do from a very early age by his own father, Quidditch Professional Jacob Payne. His most common phrase, “I apologize sincerely.”

  • General: Dark russet hair, green eyes, 6’1 height, devil may care grin, athletic & quite fit, musician hands.
  • Scars: Minor scar on calf (Accident; Fell down a mountain; Age 11), Noticeable scar on palm (Dare; Running from mountain lion; Age 15), Minor scar on thigh (Unlucky; Fleeing muggle authorities over the summer; Age 17)

Firebolt (Prototype)
- Julian's beloved broom was gifted by his father when he was 12 y/o
- An early version of the firebolt before being sold

Corporeal patronus

- Wrongly accused of laziness or indifference by others. They are not lazy at all, they focus on their energy only where they see fit.


Ham (Barred Ow)
- A love hate relationship but loyalty is existent
- Likes dropping dead mice on Julian while he sleeps

Not on the team

Julian in Gryffindor Quidditch Uniform

Chestnut, Phoenix feather, 11.50″, Solid, Classic Dark brown

Julian's Wand


Jacob Payne (Father)
- Works for Department of Magical Games and Sports (Ministry)
- Former Professional Quidditch Player for Montrose Magpies


Evelyn Thompson (née Diggory; Mother)
- Works for The Magical Congress of the United States of America (MACUSA)


Adelia Payne (Step-mother)

Given presents:

To Dimitry Yusupov

To Dimitry, From a very drunk friend. No name