Robyn Walter's profile

Robyn Walter Prefect

Matrix Album Grades
Played by: robyn_walter

Full name: Robyn Walter

Age (Year): 17 years old, 6th year

Birthday: November 17, 1874 (Scorpio, ♏︎)

Sexuality: Bi/Pan

Blood status: Half-blood

Nationalities: Irish

MBTI: ESFP, Entertainer

D&D alignment: True neutral

Wand: Yew, Unicorn hair, 12.00″, Whippy, Spiral Black

Abilities: Nonverbal casting

Best classes: Alchemy, Charms, Potions

Worst classes: Flying, Herbology

Default album group:
Midjourney album group:

What they smell like:

Old ruins with moss growing out of them; windy, rainy climate; sunflower oil, Irish cider


Potions, croquet


Irish culture, reading, baking


Flying (she sucks at it), blood purists, sexists, government of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland


The only child of a witch and a muggle.

Her mother Róise (ROW-sha, "rose") was an heir of the old pureblooded Irish family Ó Droighneáin, whose roots went back to Celtic druids. Cliodna, the druidess who discovered the properties of Moondew, was one of their ancestors. Starting with her, women became the leading hand of the family, despite the fact that the world around was not so easy on women. Going against stereotypes has always run in their family, they also weren't blood purists and therefore didn't cross out their relatives from the family tree after getting involved with muggles. However, they managed to maintain a pure branch of the family that was considered the main branch, which Róise was a descendant of. After her mother Mavourneen (mo-OOR-een, "my darling") died of sickness during the Great Famine in Ireland not long after giving birth, her father Ruadhán (roo-AWn, "red-haired") never found anyone else, and since Róise was the only child, purity of their family has ended when she fell in love with a muggle.

Joshua Walter was a bank worker from an ordinary middle class family. His father was a lawyer, and his mother was taking care of their house, like many women of the century. He met Róise during his work trip to Ireland and instantly fell in love with her. After a few years of courting he proposed to her, and that was the time when she told him about magic. Joshua reacted well, and in the beginning of 1873 they got married and he brought her to London. His parents knew nothing of magic and considered Róise strange and didn't approve their son's choice, but he was independent enough not to rely on their opinion.

A year and a half later Robyn was born. Her parents raised her to be familiar with both cultures: muggle and wizard. She even attended a muggle school before she got her Hogwarts letter, though she couldn't say she liked it very much. Robyn liked learning new things, but muggles' strict rules and policy against women were not her cup of tea. Hogwarts and wizard culture was definitely more appealing for her, and luckily her mother wasn't against doing magic at home. After the first year in Hogwarts every summer she spent half of it with her grandfather Ruadhán in Ireland and the other half with her parents and grandparents from her father's side in London.


Just like her mother, she's against stereotypes about women, so she always appeared rebellious and blatant for muggles.

Robyn was quite boyish in her behaviour before puberty, wearing trousers instead of skirts, wearing trousers under skirts if wearing a skirt was required. She could get into a fight with a boy, and she wasn't afraid to participate both in fistfights and duels.

After puberty she still mostly wore trousers, but started tolerating skirts, grew her hair and instead of fighting boys she started flirting with them. Although, boys weren't the only ones who she flirted with, girls were also to her liking. Robyn grew up cunning and ambitious, confident, so she flirted with people easily and knew her way with words.

Academically she was a good student and was rarely caught breaking school rules. She's particularly good at Potions, following her ancestor Cliodna, though it seems she didn't get anything from her druidic heritage, as she's utterly terrible at Herbology.


Robyn looks like a typical Irish redhead. She has pale skin, many freckles on her face and all over her body, green eyes, long wavy red hair. While at Hogwarts, she sometimes likes to enchant her hair to make it a raspberry color, depending on her mood. She wears a braid or a high ponytail while studying and a uniform with trousers instead of a skirt. When it comes to what she wears in her free time, Robyn usually sticks to her house colour, orange or purple. She also likes traditional Irish gowns and Irish patterns in clothes.

Corporeal patronus
Not in abilities

Patronus of a mare


Ó Droighneáin family crest


Ó Droighneáin family manor on Lough Derg (County Clare) shore in Ireland

Yew, Unicorn hair, 12.00″, Whippy, Spiral Black

Róise (ROW-sha) Ó Droighneáin (Walter after marriage), 1847, pureblooded witch with Celtic origins and druidic heritage (Cliodna's descendant)


Mavourneen (mo-OOR-een) Ó Droighneáin, 1823-1848, died of sickness during the Great Famine in Ireland not long after giving birth to Róise


Ruadhán (roo-AWn) Ó Droighneáin, 1821, a retired Ministry worker, pureblooded Irish noble


Fiona Ó Droighneáin, 1823-1889, grandaunt, her death triggered Robyn's ability to see thestrals


Joshua Walter, 1849, bank worker from an ordinary middle class muggle family


Agnes Walter, 1831, a housewife of Walter's family. A prude who doesn't like Robyn being not lady-like.


Henry Walter, 1829, lawyer, always listens to his wife.

Given presents:

To Dimitry Yusupov

Wand handle, gifted to Dimitry on his birthday party.

To Agellos Xicluna
Letter text

With the letter comes a small box with a fountain pen inside of it. A small instruction note to it implies that it's enchanted with the Refilling Charm so that the ink never run out.

To Amit Thakkar
Letter text

With the letter comes a box in cosmos-pattern wrapping and a ribbon. Inside the box is a charmed cloak with stars and galaxies moving on it. Well-known constellations can be distinguished.

To Johanna Plymel
Letter text

Flower crown is attached to the letter. The flowers look and smell fresh, like they've just been gathered from the meadow. It's enchanted to stay fresh and intact, flowers bound to each other by magic, but they're still soft.

The crown is also enchanted with one-time Protego to protect the wearer should the need arise.