Johanna Plymel's profile

Johanna Plymel

Matrix Album Grades
Played by: pandansca

Full name: Johanna Marie Plymel

Age (Year): 17 years old, 6th year

Birthday: February 13, 1875 (Aquarius, ♒︎)

Sexuality: Gay/Lesbian

Blood status: Muggleborn

Nationalities: Scottish

MBTI: ESFP, Entertainer

D&D alignment: Chaotic good

Wand: Apple, Phoenix feather, 13.00″, Pliant, Stalk Dusty pink

Best classes: Astronomy, Care of Magical Creatures, Herbology, Muggle Studies

Worst classes: Alchemy, Arithmancy, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Magical Theory, Transfiguration

Clubs: Made With Love, Witches, Wizards & Weevils

Default album group:
Midjourney album group:

What they smell like:

Fresh soil, daisies, sun dried fruits


Planting, exploring, hiking, tree climbing, crafting, caring for animals, experimenting with plants, getting up to mischief if it sounds fun or interesting (or even if she doesn't mean to- Oops!)


Plants, animals/beasts, anything involving the outdoors, parties (especially slumber parties), crafting, working on her parents’ farm, healthy foods, cheese, meeting new people, Professor Garlic, women in general


Using magic for no reason, sitting still, studying, flying, sweets that are super sugary (it's for your own good anyways- this girl don't need no more energy), Professor Sharp (scawy), troll bogeys.


Muggleborn and raised on a farm in the middle of the Scottish countryside. An only child. She came into her magic a bit late in life, which of course surprised her parents and herself greatly. Before then, she was pretty isolated, only bonding with her animals on the farm and her family. Now a whole new world was opening up before her and it was just as overwhelming and confusing as it was exciting.

Her parents, bless them, didn't love her any less for her newfound powers. But they were hardly equipped or skilled to help her manage them. Her parents tried homeschooling but finally gave up when they realized they couldn't help in any way. Also when she started experimenting on the crops with her newly found plant species thanks to a new knowledge of the magical realm. Always trying to help but ending up getting things a bit out of control and such.

Since she grew up on a farm her whole life, she's used to the outdoors and making everything she needs by hand. She's horrible at her magic and spells often end terribly. But she's incredibly excited to go out into the world at Hogwarts and hone herself and meet lots of new and exciting friends.

Rather than a familiar, Johanna keeps around a pet potted baby mandrake named Succulent, which she has grown herself. Although don't expect this little rascal to stay in its place. It's a handful for sure! Always getting loose and roaming about the castle…
Wait. Where is Succulent again?


Easily excitable as well as easily distracted. A fast talker who often jumps from topic to topic without pause. Enjoys being up and about. You'll rarely find her sitting still unless she's planting (much to the ire of her professors and Hufflepuff's house points). She finds herself getting into trouble often because of this. Very sweet. There isn't a mean bone in her body. She has a heart of gold and is willing to help anyone in need, even the evil ones because she is just so dumb and naive.

She's used to doing things the hard/long way and often forgets she can complete simple tasks with magic. But at the same time, she actually prefers to do things herself. It keeps her body and mind busy and there's a sense of accomplishment when it's completed that you wouldn't get with magic. Although she definitely likes to learn and try new spells! You never know when you'll need them! She doesn't mind other people using magic to accomplish tasks of course, but she detests laziness and spoiled people. People who use magic for everything, not even lifting a finger for themselves. And don't even get her started on House Elves. Poor creatures… Has a natural aversion to spells that were created to do harm specifically so she is completely against the use of unforgivable curses.

(As a lover) She pours all her love and devotion into her partner, making them crafts, taking them on lots of little dates, and holding their hand constantly. Her favorite thing to do would be picnicking, going swimming together, or to braid wildflowers in your hair while you just sit and talk or read or eat. Her love language is touch so expect lots of hand holding, cuddling, or even simply having her hold onto a bit of your shirt sleeve or placing a finger in your pocket. She's a big softy and could never be harsh or demanding of her lover. Yet in the bedroom she's an eager switch.


Middle-length wavy blonde hair parted at the side. Deep blue eyes. Arched brows, a button nose, amd thin lips. Petite.


Apple wood stem. Doesn't really use it.

Corporeal patronus
Not in abilities

Mongrel Dog. Cannot cast. Too terrible at it.


Johanna's humble farmhouse in the Scottish highlands


A Northern Saw Whet Owl named Juniper


A mandrake named Succulent. She mostly takes it everywhere she goes

Apple, Phoenix feather, 13.00″, Pliant, Stalk Dusty pink

Johanna's father, Morgan. 37 years old. Works as a farmer in the Scottish highlands.


Johanna's mother, Hailey. 36 years old. Works as a farmer alongside her husband in the Scottish highlands.

Received presents:

From Robyn Walter
Letter text

Flower crown is attached to the letter. The flowers look and smell fresh, like they've just been gathered from the meadow. It's enchanted to stay fresh and intact, flowers bound to each other by magic, but they're still soft.

The crown is also enchanted with one-time Protego to protect the wearer should the need arise.