Cassidy Cardew's profile

Cassidy Cardew

Matrix Album Grades
Played by: mrena0187

Full name: Cassidy Rose Cardew

Age (Year): 17 years old, 6th year

Birthday: October 6, 1874 (Libra, ♎︎)

Sexuality: Bi/Pan

Blood status: Pure-blood

Nationalities: Scottish-Irish

MBTI: INFP, Mediator

D&D alignment: Chaotic good

Wand: Hawthorn, Veela hair, 11.75″, Whippy, Soft Spiral Honey brown

Best classes: Herbology

Worst classes: Defence Against the Dark Arts


Herbology, puzzle solving, research, exploration, debates (particularly because she likes to get to know each side of an argument)


Oranges, Chamomile Tea, Cold Showers


Chocolate (although she adores hot cocoa), broken book spines, rain


Growing up in a pureblooded family, Cassidy was given some education from a private tutor before her attendance at Hogwarts. From ages 7-11, she was completing assignments and researching the history and fundamentals of the magical world in preparation for her time at the school of witchcraft and wizardry.

An only child, Cassidy missed out on the sibling experience; being young and bright eyed, seeing the world through the eyes of both herself and a like-minded companion. Given these circumstances, Cassidy found herself craving relationships from any walk of life.

Ryan and Jamie Cunningham, father and mother of Cassidy, have been employed for the Ministry since Cassidy was an infant. Being unspeakables, their work became something of another child; leaving Cassidy to her own imagination. With a little help from Gwendolyn, the Cunningham family house elf, Cassidy grew up to be a bright and cheery child with a knack for magical research.


Cassidy is a warm, welcoming individual. Priding herself on her ability to make lasting connections wherever she goes, her circle never stays small. On any occasion, you can find Cassidy in the library for her study group, or in the greenhouses tending to her plants.


Height: 5’3”
Body type: Slim, curved frame
Hair: Blonde, slightly wavy
Eyes: Muted green
Skin: Fair, freckled

Family: None
Crush on: None
Partner(s): None
Kissed: None
Had sex: None
Enemies: None