Hakashi Reita's profile

Hakashi Reita

Matrix Album Grades
Played by: ajdahakkk

Full name: Hakashi Reita

Age (Year): 16 years old, 5th year

Birthday: October 31, 1875 (Scorpio, ♏︎)

Sexuality: Straight

Blood status: Half-blood

Nationalities: Japanese

MBTI: ENFP, Campaigner

D&D alignment: Chaotic neutral

Wand: Cherry, Dragon heartstring, 10.50″, Rigid, Spiral Black

Abilities: Mediumship

Best classes: Ghoul Studies, Herbology, Potions

Worst classes: Astronomy, Divination

Clubs: Morbid Mischief

What they smell like:

Hakashi smell like cherry and incense.

What they smell in their amortentia:

The smell of roasting sweet potato remind her of her mother when she cooked for her. Her cemetery is surrounded by Wisteria flowers and that is why it is the second thing she smell in it. She can easily recall the smell of the onsen she used to frequent in Japan, as well as cherry blossoms.


Burying corpses, talking to ghosts, scaring peoples, playing shamisen, playing games, seeing thestrals, making graves


Favorite drink : Sencha tea
Favorite food : Onigiri
Favorite snack : Wagashi
Favorite animal : Tanuki
Favorite magical creature : Thestrals
Favorite plant : Lamb’s ear
Favorite place : Cemetery
Favorite hobby : Burying corps
Favorite color : Black
Favorite weather : Cloudy
Favorite instrument : Shamisen
Favorite season : Autumn
Favorite gemstone : Amethyst


Disliked drink : Beer
Disliked food : Haggis
Disliked snack : Bertie bott’s beans
Disliked animal : Blobfish
Disliked magical creature : Jobberknoll
Disliked plant : Cactus
Disliked place : Anywhere loud
Disliked color : ???
Disliked weather : Sunny
Disliked instrument : Organ (too loud)
Disliked season : Summer
Disliked gemstone : Granite


A funeral ceremony is the ultimate expression of man's presence on earth. The Shinigami Funeral Home is said to bring the final brushstrokes to the canvas of existence in the most respectful of ways. Funeral rites are a complicated business, and everyone has their own set of strict rules to observe - whether it's the wake, the burial or the erection of a stele...

Everyone is entitled to a farewell ceremony, whatever their social background or means. This has always been Shinigami Funeral Home's philosophy towards its customers. One might think that the person in charge of such an important institution should be as erudite as she is thoughtful. But the 77th director's job will fell to the young and lively Hakashi.

Her name is well known in Japan. When asked about it, the good people of the neighborhood have plenty to say. While everyone recognizes her quick wit and intelligence, her boundless imagination terrifies many.

At three, she could recite the classics on her hands. By six, she was playing hooky from school, only to be found snoring away in a coffin. By eight, she'd practically taken up residence at the funeral home, where she spent her time studying ritual etiquette... Of all the words to describe Hakashi, "tranquility" was not one of them.

It was at the age of ten that she conducted her first ceremony. Her own parents. Throughout the ritual, employees and clients alike had their hearts suspended on the edge of a precipice as high as Mount Fuji.

Even so, Hakashi still has a tendency to wander off, disappearing whenever her undertakers are busy listening to lectures. The hobbies and interests of this young one are just as eccentric as her personality, yet it's hard to say for sure whether these activities are purely recreational in nature.

Hakashi's shadow can be seen on moonlit docks or at the highest, most precarious vantage points in the mountains, where she is likely to admire the landscape and shape her thoughts into beautiful poetry since she is at Hogwarts. She likes to wander freely at night, in search of inspiration. When it strikes her, no matter where she is, she can't help but compose a poem on the spot.


At first glance, Hakashi seems to be an eccentric and cheerful girl. No one would think that such a girl would come from a family running a cemetery.

Hakashi likes to play pranks on people and despises those who are sitting around doing nothing, because she wants to live her life to the full. Because of her eccentric and quirky personality, many people who interact with her usually have a negative impression of her, especially a former classmate, who declares that Hakashi has a "punchable face" and should be kept in a frozen room.

She is quite secretive with sensitive information, as she refuses to divulge it, claiming that the less outsiders know about it, the safer they are. She's also proud of the cemetery's rich history and her position as director, even if she doesn't like the way others treat her and her employees with suspicion when they go out at night to work.

Hakashi accepts death as a natural part of life; while this may make her seem insensitive to others, it helps her to truly respect her job of helping the dead "cross over". For this reason, Hakashi dislikes some scientists after realizing that most of them are looking for ways to prolong life.

She makes as many facets as there are grains of sand in the desert. She never ceases to shock people with her bizarre ideas. Hakashi can give the impression of always playing and never working, spending most of her time idle and widely regarded as a lax entrepreneur. It's only when she leads a funeral procession down a lamp-lit aisle that she lets her dignified, solemn side shine through.

Hakashi can play a four-player card game without anyone else for hours on end.
That said, the joys of engaging in such activities remain a mystery to all but herself.


Let's talk about the only thing that complicates the girl's life: her height. 1m68 ? 1m63 ? You're wrong. She's exactly 157cm tall, and because she's so small, she's often not taken seriously, which is something she hates. She weighs just 43kg, which makes her extremely slim.

Hakashi is skin is white and her eyes are constantly closed. However, when she opens them, it's possible to see almost completely white orbs. She has long black hair, which she keeps pigtailed (easier to manage, she says).

Additional info:

𓀾 | Hakashi's highly-developed senses enable her to fully compensate for her blindness.

𓀾 | Her sense of touch enables her to read with her fingertips, sensing characters printed on a sheet of paper or differences in color between the paper and the letters; her skin also enables her to feel changes in temperature or pressure in the atmosphere around her. In this way, she can detect the presence of a person - apart from her other senses - at a distance of around 1.50 metres, thanks to the heat given off by that person.

𓀾 | Thanks to her sense of smell, when she enters a closed room, she can smell traces of cigarette smoke if it has been consumed in the last 24 hours. She can identify a person by smell if she has spent at least 10 minutes with him. It's strong enough for her to sense an opponent's "Fault Line", giving her an opening in which to attack and distinguish species, as well as their approximate position. After practicing this skill for so long, she has acquired the ability to sense emotions as well as follow objects, humans or living beings over long distances.

𓀾 | Her hearing is so developed that she can detect a change in sound pressure of 1 decibel at a pressure level of 7 (whereas the normal human ear can only detect variations of 20 decibels). Hakashi can hear a person's heartbeat over a distance of 10 meters and hear people whispering behind a wall. However, she can be disoriented by particularly loud and unexpected sounds.

𓀾 | Hakashi’s taste enables her to identify all the ingredients in a dish or drink.

𓀾 | She was a child of the night, born at 3:00 a.m., or more precisely 3:33 a.m., which is not an insignificant hour. It turns out that 3:33 a.m. is considered the devil's hour. It's the precise hour when evil spirits decide to come and observe you in your sleep. Of course, their intentions are rarely good. At this time of night, the gap between the world of the living and that of spirits becomes much more tenuous, which can open the door to certain malevolent spirits such as demons or ghosts.

𓀾 | She have a certain way to gauge her client’s importance. She have four levels: "wicker," "bamboo," "wood" and "marble." The higher the grade, the better she’d like to get to know you.

𓀾 | Hakashi has a little pouch with coupons, her business card, flyers, models, pieces of paper, a book, and more !

𓀾 | She love to pop up behind students scaring the daylight out of them, coming out of the corner and « GRRAAHHRHRJAHR ».

𓀾 | Butterflies tend to follow her, or that wherever she is, butterflies will be there for absolutely no reason. What is actually fun is that butterflies are related to death.

𓀾 | She was hated at Mahoutokoro because she advertises her funeral parlor and refuses to help people who are about to die, because if that doesn't happen, who will she bury ?

𓀾 | She’s that one friend that gives you oddly frightening fun facts. Facts that make you go « why does she know that? ». « Did you know that if you eat around 10 crushed black cherry pits there’s enough cyanide to kill you? ». Just leaves you sitting there like ma’am how do you know that ?

𓀾 | Since her eyes are always closed, she sometimes falls asleep in class. When she's lucky, it passes.

Corporeal patronus
Not in abilities

The butterfly is a symbol of immortality, and rebirth. It is also a symbol for the representative of the soul of a deceased person.


Butterflies tend to follow her everywhere even in her room. Her bed is decorated with flowers so she can smell them when sleeping to not be disturbed by another odor and a coffin is hidden somewhere.


Her house is in Japan, near the cemetery where she work. She live her alone with the ghosts of her parents who show up sometimes.


Her ear is so good that she can play any instrument. Of all of them, her favorite one is the shamisen, a Japanese instrument really hard to play.


Her male owl named Eda isn’t really helpful right now. Not because he don’t behave, he is a really nice owl, but because she have nobody to send letters too.


She have two black cats, a female named Sushi and a male named Ramen. She was kinda hungry when getting them..

Cherry, Dragon heartstring, 10.50″, Rigid, Spiral Black

Reita Fumikage, dead at 32 years old


Reita Ayakashi, dead at 32 years old

Given presents:

Family: None
Crush on: None
Partner(s): None
Kissed: None
Had sex: None
Enemies: None