Alaric Húdra's profile

Alaric Húdra

Matrix Album Grades
Played by: ajdahakkk

Full name: Alaric Húdra

Age (Year): 18 years old, 7th year

Birthday: November 14, 1873 (Scorpio, ♏︎)

Sexuality: Bi/Pan

Blood status: Muggleborn

Nationalities: French/Greek

MBTI: ISTP, Virtuoso

D&D alignment: True neutral

Wand: Ash, Unicorn hair, 12.00″, Rigid, Ringed Black

Abilities: Animagus, Corporeal patronus

Best classes: Charms, Defence Against the Dark Arts

Worst classes: Herbology

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Life as a muggleborn in Hogwarts was not easy in the first days, especially after being sent to the Slytherins, some of them carry a very strange aversion to people of his kind. Yet the remarks never touched him, not paying more attention to it than that. Quickly his comrades were able to discover that he was too mature for his age, much more than them, for sure.

Having lived with parents who where never at homme, Alaric always took care of his two little sisters alone when he was still at home. His arrival at Hogwarts stressed him more or less because no one was going to be able to take care of them now. His attention being focused only on that, the mockery of other students was not that important. Quickly because of his character, he managed to be respected and make a place for himself among the Slytherin.


What is characteristic of his personality and why everyone knows him is his eternal calm almost to the point of being considered as a bored person. In the presence of strangers particularly but also with his relatives, his face keeps the same expression of relaxation that has become a joke for others. Regardless of the most serious situation, his cold blood is unmatched, which allows him to manage problems without letting emotions take over himself.

We could say of him that he seems rather bored thinking of the many sighs he breathes all day long. When he is tired of something, angry, sad or discouraged, in short, when he feels negative emotions, Alaric will tend to expel them by sighing a good blow (what he does more than once in a day). This is to tell you how much he no longer seems to be really captivated by the extraordinary world that surrounds him.

Maybe it’s what pushes people away and doesn’t make them want to sympathize with him, because he doesn’t look so much friendly. Don’t worry, it’s not only up to you to make efforts but also to him because there are other more charming facets of him. All depending on the impression you give him and whether he wants to be more friendly. Often it is played on if the person seems to release maturity and intelligence. He himself demonstrates these abilities at a high level, it’s crazy how sometimes he can be brilliant to the point of being terrifying.

He is not the type to suddenly get angry, which tends to frighten others. On the contrary, he attracts them, they appreciate him and generally show him a lot of respect, which he amply deserves. He consciously knows when he needs to act and when he needs to distance himself from a situation or a person. Alaric has a great analytical capacity, thanks to his temperament. The young man is not the type to have disproportionate reactions that could harm him. On the contrary, he always evaluates the reaction to be adopted in the face of this or that situation.

Now that we are done with his neutral traits, let’s continue on everything that is good in his person. It would already be a good thing to know what can be found positive in such an individual. It has always been a quality for him to be as helpful as he is, no matter what task to be accomplished. He is often even asked for help finding a particular book, but sometimes it is he who offers his service to transport groceries or catch an object too high on a shelf.

As a worthy member of the Slytherin house, Alaric is noble and distinguished, he is very proud and above all, he is overflowing with ambition about his future. He is also cunning enough to play with his charm and get what he wants every time. He is a born leader, he has the most attractive aura pushing others to follow him blindly.


He learned to transform in 4th year, taking the form of the emblematic animal of his family, a hawk.

Corporeal patronus

the patronus mean he have a wild and free heart, self sufficient, need little help and able to cope difficult problems alone. It make people with the black bear patronus good natural leaders.


The hawk represent one who does not rest until objective achieved; purpose; goal-oriented.

Ash, Unicorn hair, 12.00″, Rigid, Ringed Black

Húdra Victor, 45 years old, noble


Húdra Emmanuelle, 40 years old, noble


Húdra Luna, 13 years old


Húdra Mana, 8 years old

Family: None
Crush on: None
Partner(s): None
Kissed: None
Had sex: None
Enemies: None