Maliah Dunbroch Waddy's profile

Maliah Dunbroch Waddy

Matrix Album Grades
Played by: ajdahakkk

Full name: Maliah Dunbroch Waddy

Age (Year): 18 years old, 7th year

Birthday: September 6, 1873 (Virgo, ♍︎)

Sexuality: Straight

Blood status: Pure-blood

Nationalities: Scottish/Antillean

MBTI: ESTP, Entrepreneur

D&D alignment: Chaotic neutral

Wand: Maple, White River Monster spine, 10.25″, Whippy, Notched Warm brown

Abilities: Corporeal patronus, Unforgivables casting

Best classes: Charms, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Potions, Study of Ancient Runes

Worst classes: Alchemy, Astronomy, Flying, Herbology

Clubs: Crossed Wands

Default album group:
Pirate album group:

Chilling and drinking (a lot)


Favorite drink : Rum
Favorite food : Cranachan
Favorite snack : Bacon
Favorite animal : Manta ray
Favorite magical creature : Kraken
Favorite plant : Any kind of tree
Favorite place : Black lake/Three broomsticks
Favorite color : Persian green
Favorite weather : Sunny
Favorite instrument : Accordion
Favorite season : Summer
Favorite gemstone : Andalusite


Disliked drink : Beer
Disliked food : Balut
Disliked snack : Bertie botts beans
Disliked animal : Leeches
Disliked magical creature : Mermaids
Disliked plant : Algae
Disliked place : Any tower where she have to walk a lot
Disliked color : Pink
Disliked weather : Snowy
Disliked instrument : Banjo
Disliked season : Winter
Disliked gemstone : Marcasite


Maliah, daughter of Merida Dunbroch, a wealthy woman from a noble family, and Nereo Waddy, a famous pirate sorcerer crisscrossing the seas, was not born from eternal love.

One hot night, Merida, then in her early twenties, decided to go to a bar to drink. During the day, her loving mother had announced a marriage between her and another man, Carron Scrimgeour. The young woman took this very badly and locked herself in her room without saying another word. When night fell, Merida climbed out of the window of the room - located on the second floor of the mansion - and began to scale the wall. Unfortunately, the young woman didn't succeed; she fell into a bush, which broke her fall. Emerging from the thicket, the mother-to-be dusted herself off, then tried to remove the few leaves that had clung to her sweater. Just as she was about to move towards the bar, she felt a slight tingling sensation on her wrist. At the sight of blood dripping from it, the pureblood swore angrily, though she tried to whisper so as not to wake the dogs. Disappointed by her escape, the Dunbroch finally forgot the idea of going to a bar and started wandering the streets.

Arriving at Glasgow harbour, the young woman picked up a stone and threw it into the water. Unfortunately, the stone bounced against a boat with a thud, which slightly frightened the witch who didn't want to get into any more trouble (because yes, the townspeople didn't particularly like her). The redhead stepped back carefully, so as not to rattle her heeled shoes, until she realized that the ship was made of wood. The sorceress stopped in astonishment, then walked alongside the means of transport to arrive at the gangway that allows access to the boat.

For only a few seconds, the Dunbroch hesitated to enter. After all, this ship didn't belong to the port, so she could visit it without causing any trouble for the locals. In any case, at this point, nothing mattered to her. The young woman then climbed in, leaving her shoes on to avoid making any more noise than necessary.

Hearing only the sound of the waves, the witch took out her wand and casted Lumos to illuminate the surroundings. Finding the boat beautifully sculpted, the former Ravenclaw began to walk along the edge, observing every detail. It was then that a voice was heard behind her. As if on cue, the Scotswoman turned around and gave stupefixed him. Indeed, for a certain period of her life, the redhead strolled the streets almost every night, until late, or rather early, in the morning. During these times, she was often approached by various people, which enabled her to develop a useful - and at the same time surprising - reflex for people who meant her no harm. The redhead approached the man and noticed that he was holding a wand in his hand. Surprised, she widened her eyes and released him from the spell, leaving her wand pointed at him. The man then invited her into his cabin, which the pure-blood accepted. As she'd said before, she had nothing left to lose, except her dignity, which she couldn't care less about. Before her soul died in marriage, the redhead absolutely wanted to experience something exciting and interesting, and here was her chance.

The next day, at dawn, the Scotswoman found herself at the side of the man who had confessed to her that he was the captain of a pirate ship, but only after having had a few glasses of alcohol with the young woman. The two adults had obviously had a rather... stormy night, if you know what I mean. However, neither of them was thinking about anything more than that: it was just an evening when they'd had a chance to let off steam. The ship's captain then explained that the boat only docked at this port once a year, and suggested that Merida meet again at this very spot every year, which the redhead gladly accepted. She left him after a brief greeting, rather basic and formal, albeit warm, but devoid of love.

A few months later, the Dunbroch was pregnant. At last, she found out. Instead of telling her parents, who would surely have asked her to have an ||abortion||, she fled to a friend's house, taking a cart to avoid attracting attention. When the child was born, the young woman named her Maliah. She had no idea what the name meant, but gave it to her anyway, as a tribute to the ||stillborn|| child of her friend, with whom she was staying.

A few months after the birth of the so-called Maliah, Merida decided to return to her parents' home, as she could neither work for money nor ask the woman who was taking her in for a living. At first, Fergus and Emira Dunbroch weren't happy with this turn of events. But as the weeks went by, they came to accept the newborn, as well as their own daughter. Well, actually, it was only the grandfather who accepted Maliah's birth. Emira merely tolerated this little being who hadn't asked for anything. The old woman already had plans in mind for the witch, including an arranged marriage with a certain Titus. This did not please the child's mother, who began to think about a possible alternative.

It was then that she remembered the famous Nereo Waddy, captain of Black Skull. Fortunately, the pureblood had the idea in time: in three days' time, the ship would dock.

When that day arrived, Maliah was seven years old. She was a rather docile but clear-headed little girl, who only did what she thought was right. This reassured her mother that, with such a temperament, she wouldn't get into trouble immediately.

Before letting her daughter go, Merida gave her a falcon, which the West Indian named Merlin, loving both the name and the character. Her early days on the ship were not the most interesting, let alone the happiest. Although the change of lifestyle was quite brutal, the young girl adapted quite well. Her first chores were not among the most glorious: washing dishes, cooking, mopping the floor, putting away bottles of rum, cleaning pirates' shoes... and so on. This didn't bother the redhead, who realized that she wasn't yet old enough to do what everyone else was doing.

At least, that's what she told herself before she met Morgane. This young girl, even younger than her, was taking the liberty of not doing most of her chores, of provoking crew members, and of fighting on top of it all? This did not please the newcomer. Jealous of this freedom, she wanted to do as she did. But Maliah rejected the thought, preferring not to return to her mother in Scotland.

And so it was that the pure-blood spent an entire year with the crew of the Black Skull. During this time, the redhead grew in confidence, using her agility in battle with other wizard ships to escape and hide. Gradually, the members of the ship accepted her as a member of the crew, giving her a number of privileges, including a modest sum of money to use as she wished. She was also introduced to the art of magic earlier than expected, as well as to hand-to-hand combat, although this took months and months.

But it was only a few years later that the West Indian was actually taught what a pirate was. The ship's captain ordered Cyra Noavek to teach her magic, and spells in particular, with practical lessons. She helped him learn to decipher runes, as the pure-blood had already been interested in them long before he landed at Hogwarts. Nereo Waddy also commissioned Melvin Hodebourg to teach her navigation and the art of combat, both hand-to-hand and with a sword.

This long, long period was extremely exhausting for the young girl. Indeed, the two pirates were merciless towards the redhead, pushing her to her limits with every lesson. Although the Scotswoman paid a high price, she thoroughly enjoyed this way of life, almost forgetting her mother at times.

The redhead eventually joined Hogwarts with Cyra's encouragement. For the first few months, Maliah was very disoriented when it came to her studies, although the integration process went smoothly thanks to her ease of adaptation. She spent her time in the Hogwarts library, revising and catching up with the other students.


Maliah has lived most of her life in a hostile but friendly environment. Having been a rather friendly and determined little girl with a surprising ability to adapt, she had no great difficulty in integrating the Black Skull as a true member and feeling at home there. Her desire for adventure and discovery, however, led her to tire of the exact same landscapes for days and months on end, although their charm was greatly appreciated. The Dunbroch then developed a great curiosity, which she demonstrates through conversation and her interest in people, looking into their past as well as their future.

The redhead doesn't hesitate to converse with just about anyone, adapting her behavior to her interlocutor in order to have a good time, not wishing to waste precious time arguing while battles await her at sea. Of course, Maliah has her own distinctive personality. Serene, she's usually under very little stress, always finding a way out of awkward situations, accepting certain truths with ease but not fatality. On the other hand, her laid-back demeanor can make her naive at times. Indeed, believing the pirate life she leads to be atypical, she has difficulty visualizing that killers could be at Hogwarts and scoffs at students trying to act tough while knowing very little, displaying a certain condescension.

Despite all these traits that could make her a bad pirate - and an even worse captain - the redhead possesses a quick wit and a pride that makes her reject failure to the point of not caring about her health. These flaws make her an ambitious person who thinks big, unwilling to stagnate and tire of the things she appreciates, often seeking to resuscitate them. This again comes back to her relationships, which are quite often limited to the crew she's known since childhood. As a result, the new relationships she acquires over time are precious to her, as the Scot doesn't often have the opportunity to make new ones. She can therefore be described as loyal, a major asset for a captain.

Last but not least, she develops a competitive spirit in the company of other crew members, especially those her own age. Always in competition, Maliah ends up adopting a biting, sarcastic sense of humor, often acting as a comedian, which ultimately makes her a very conversational person with whom it's a pleasure to chat.


Maliah has inherited her dear mother's imposing red curls and her father's green eyes. Her freckles are present but very slight, and you'd have to see her up close to even notice them. After several years at sea, the pirate's skin has browned, turning to tan. In addition, due to lack of care as well as sun and salt, her skin has become rough. Maliah doesn't pay much attention to her skin, however.

As a result of her pirate role, the pureblood has quite a few scars. She doesn't try to hide them, but prefers to avoid showing them to strangers to avoid being questioned. Her arms and thighs are muscular, as is her very admirable back.

The Dunbroch has no particular style, although she hardly ever wears her wizard's robe, especially if she has to go out. When the weather permits, she wears the long coat her mother gave her and high boots. Not very modest, she has been known to leave only her underwear on for a swim in the black lake.

Additional info:

𓅐 | She is part of Nereo Waddy's famous pirate crew, on a ship called the Black Skull.

𓅐 | The Study of Runes is a subject that the young girl particularly enjoys, having also a certain ease with learning ancient runes. What's more, she hopes to be able to use them to decipher possible cards.

𓅐 | Trained by a Black Skull pirate, Maliah is skilled in hand-to-hand combat, and also with a sword, although the latter is useless to her the vast majority of the time. She also knows how to use a dagger, and takes a certain pride in having learned it almost single-handedly.

𓅐 | Maliah is more skilled in using guns and bows, the second one learned with her dear mother.

𓅐 | She has an enchanted compass that enables her to find what she wants most in the world. Unfortunately, she's never been able to use it until now, as she's not looking for anything in particular.

𓅐 | Could crush your head with her thick thighs or biceps.

𓅐 | A small party person. Sure she wouldn't mind something the size of say like a typical frat party, but she'd prefer a smaller gather of a handful of friends.

𓅐 | Trie to arm wrestle everyone when she’s drunk (she wins all the time).

𓅐 | Known as the "red llama" because of her tendency to spit at people when drunk.

𓅐 | She smell like vanilla and coconut.

𓅐 | Her favorite food is bacon.

𓅐 | She likes to sit by the black lake and make ricochets with stones she finds at the water's edge.

𓅐 | Her dream is to have a flying ship.

𓅐 | After a long journey to the North Pole in search of a well-hidden treasure, Maliah has developed a strong resistance to the cold.

𓅐 | She have a thing for boys who don’t know how to act around girls.

𓅐 | Maliah can see Thestrals.

Corporeal patronus

Andean Condor


The sentence « Nemo Me Impune Lacessit », which in Scots can be translated as « Don't mess with me »


Castle of the royal family of Scotland. Mother side.


The black skull. She will be the futur captain of this gigantic ship.


A male falcon named Merlin. A gift from her mother before joining her father on the Black skull.

Maple, White River Monster spine, 10.25″, Whippy, Notched Warm brown

Waddy Néréo, 45 years old, captain of the black skull


Dunbroch Merida, 38 years old, princess of Scott land


Sandberg Waddy Willa, 23 years old, ex slytherin, half sister

Crush on:
Partner(s): None
Kissed: None
Had sex: None