Silas Reed's profile

Silas Reed

Matrix Album Grades

Full name: Silas Irving Reed

Age (Year): 17 years old, 6th year

Birthday: October 20, 1874 (Libra, ♎︎)

Sexuality: Straight

Blood status: Muggleborn

Nationalities: British

MBTI: ENTP, Debater

D&D alignment: Lawful neutral

Wand: Cherry, Phoenix feather, 11.50″, Quite Flexible, Ringed Pale brown

Best classes: Study of Ancient Runes

Worst classes: Potions

What they smell like:

stormy ocean, rain, cat fur, old parchment, ink


swimming, discovering new places, finding interesting things/chests, cooking, crafting


spending time with loved ones, traveling through the Forbidden Forest, causing trouble, impressing and teasing women, following his heart and own rules


dishonourable behaviour, dishonesty, rude people, others hurting people close to him, showing his own weakness (even by submitting to another person), following rules of others


The young and adventurous Mrs. and Mr. Reed were leaving one of the many islands they’ve visited. Just when Adelaide realized she was indeed pregnant. Their travels slowly came to a stop, as the time went by. And as William only grew more worried for his wife. Then on October 20th, in a beautiful forest… They were able to finally look in the big brown eyes of their son. Of Silas Irving Reed.

The boy has proven many times that his second name wasn’t chosen by the mere coincidence. Since most of his life happened on board of the ship. He spent even more years on causing troubles, and looking for any undiscovered path. Getting into unknown ships, swimming through the dark oceans, meeting new people from different places…

That’s also how he got on the same ship, as Vivian Bennett. The thirteen year old felt his heart racing. The young girl seemed so mesmerizing for him. And deep down, he knew all about the difficulties that were to come with it. With falling for the rival’s daughter. Yet, he couldn’t help it. He couldn’t even help it, when two years later they met again. Silas didn’t even fight the protective feelings, when some older boys treated her unfairly.

What he couldn’t have expected was the scarring that it would leave. The way the other teenagers would have pulled out their wands, casting unknown to him spells. Or that it would have been the last day that Silas has ever seen Vivian. Nor did he expect for himself to gain this sort of magic from the accident. But his parents, after hearing about Hogwarts, Adelaide and Will Reed immediately sent the dark-haired boy to this school. After all, they couldn’t see him hurt by the uncontrolled powers.


protective, sweet, sarcastic, tease, intelligent, a bit crazy, gentleman, confident, troublemaker, chaotic, great at crafting, loverboy, caring, creative, dominant, athletic, romantic


long dark brown hair, golden brown eyes, rectangle face shape, sharper facial features, a massive deep scar on his left cheek, slim body with defined muscles

Additional info:

He's 5'11 feet, or 181cm, tall.

His Boggart is a ship coming out of the wardrobe, then breaking as it hits the floor. While his Patronus is an eagle (he can't cast its corporeal form).

His parents are Adelaide and William Reed. He has an ex-girlfriend, Vivian Bennett. Although, he hasn't seen her for the last two years, and they're no longer courting each other.

He knows sign language, but obviously he isn't calling it this.

Family: None
Crush on: None
Partner(s): None
Friends: None
Kissed: None
Had sex: None
Enemies: None