Freya Svoboda's profile

Freya Svoboda

Matrix Album Grades
Played by: ajdahakkk

Full name: Freya Svoboda

Age (Year): 17 years old, 6th year

Birthday: April 20, 1875 (Taurus, ♉︎)

Sexuality: Bi/Pan

Blood status: Half-blood

Nationalities: Czech

MBTI: ESFP, Entertainer

D&D alignment: Chaotic neutral

Wand: Black Walnut, African mermaid hair, 9.75″, Quite Flexible, Spiral Dark brown

Best classes: Alchemy, Arithmancy, Divination, Magical Theory

Worst classes: Astronomy, Defence Against the Dark Arts

Default album group:

What they smell like:

Freya mainly smell like jasmine.

What they smell in their amortentia:

Her amortentia remind her strongly of her time with her mother and the circus. The main odor remind her of encens, always around her dear mother, the second one being the smell of cotton candy, always sailed at the circus.


Fortune reading, stealing, gymnastic, learning, proving peoples they’re wrong, pickpocketing, dark magic


Favorite drink : Bissap juice
Favorite food : Hovězí guláš
Favorite snack : Trdelník
Favorite animal : Lynx
Favorite magical creature : Demiguise
Favorite plant : Gentians
Favorite place : Her apartment
Favorite color : Jade green
Favorite weather : Partly cloudy
Favorite instrument : Galizona
Favorite season : Spring
Favorite gemstone : Jade


Disliked drink : Apple juice
Disliked food : Koláče
Disliked snack : Nuts
Disliked animal : Skunk
Disliked magical creature : Imp
Disliked plant : Fairy duster
Disliked place : Steeply and sons
Disliked color : Citrine
Disliked weather : Snowy
Disliked instrument : Xylophone
Disliked season : Winter
Disliked gemstone : Hematite


Freya was born in a caravan somewhere in the Czech Republic. Her mother is a Muggle named Zofia. It doesn't matter who her father is. A customer, no doubt, but above all a wizard. But no, her mother isn't a bad-living girl. She's a fortune-teller. Zofia is a Muggle, but she's got something extra. She knows how to read the future in a crystal ball, how to decipher the whispers of the cards... at least, how to transcribe what her mortal interlocutors want to hear. She doesn't really mind having her daughter alone. Besides, they don't stay alone for long. Barely a year after the birth of her daughter, Zofia stumbles upon a whole caravan who include her in their journey.

There's a bearded woman, Siamese sisters, a juggling dwarf, acrobats, light dancers, colossi with the strength of ten men, a Ferris wheel, sweets, colors, light, magic. A whole family to adopt them. And so ten years of wandering pass, to the rhythm of shows, cities, countries and continents that follow one another. Because it's not good to stay in Europe, the caravan of the strange leaves for the United States for a while, but then returns. It's a tough life. There's plenty more to come for Freya, though. A letter that defies all laws of understanding (even for a cohort of people as bizarre as her own) appears in her hands, inviting her to join Durmstrang.

There's this figure in a cape who comes to explain to her mother that her daughter is a witch and must join a school of magic, that this is why inexplicable phenomena were occurring around her... for Freya there was nothing surprising about these things. An object levitating, breaking without being touched, sparks flying across the big top. No, it's her classic environment. In the end, nothing seems to differentiate this man from the people she's always known. Yet she finds him impressive, this sorcerer, and for the first time in her life, her heart beats for the hope of a better world.

Leaving the circus isn't easy, but her mother stood her ground and the little girl left, promising to return. The trouble with coming from a place like hers is that the prospect of giving real form to the mirages you spend your time projecting (and profiting from), can corrupt some souls. After a while, the members of her clan become a little too demanding of Freya's magic, and she finds herself somehow superior to them, no longer of the same world. To top it all off, the Ministry has to intervene several times to avoid jeopardizing magical secrecy. Nothing good comes of this bastard position she has.

From the age of eleven, she moved to Durmstrang. Very discreet, she began by observing, soaking up and appreciating - despite herself at first, then completely - the solidity of the castle, the repetition, the age-old presence of the stones she walked on. It's a reassuring environment, and magic fascinates her. This is her home.

So Freya ends up choosing the magical community and disowning her origins, fed up with being used by the people she's spent her life with. It's something she doesn't talk about. So, in her fourth year, she moved to London, changing schools to join Hogwarts. She never returned to the roads of the caravan. All this came to an abrupt end around this time. She discovered the city and its twists and turns, its hidden thoroughfares, its shadows, its possibilities. She liked it.


Freya is known first and foremost for her reckless temperament. She doesn't give much thought to the consequences of her actions, rushing headlong into danger only to either shoot it down or - fortunately - narrowly dodge it. What's more, she never finishes her plans, starting them on the spur of the moment. However, she uses many of her connections and assets to achieve her ends, not hesitating to go to great lengths to bring dishonor upon herself.

The Slytherin isn't the type to be gentle, and hates things left unsaid. If you're looking for someone delicate, you've come to the wrong place. Although she's not inclined to say absolutely everything she thinks without worrying about the feelings of others, she at least has the merit of being honest and not afraid to offend people or make enemies if she think that a remark is necessary. She's generally loved or hated for that.

She's also rather easily irritated, and an unpleasant situation for her can lead to two typical reactions, both equally annoying for the person she's talking to. The brunette can become scathing, even derogatory, having a knack for finding people's sore spots and then unfortunately not hesitating to press where it hurts, otherwise she can very easily come to blows, which isn't great at all. More rarely, she closes up completely and becomes hermetic to all forms of communication.

Quite at ease with her body and her person in general, she's very attentive, open-minded and rather the type to assume everything openly. Freya has particular tastes but has nothing to hide, and even the most twisted of your vices wouldn't faze her.

On the contrary, she'll be delighted to have a chat and talk things over, and why not become pleasant friends. What's more, Freya greatly appreciates being surrounded by people and expanding her circle of acquaintances.

Freya is a lot more fun than she lets on, coming as she does from a colorful and whimsical background. She comes from a clan of Muggle circus performers, and traveled in bizarre caravan all her childhood to the four corners of the world.

Freya is a witch through the end of her fingers, and even though she comes from a Muggle environnement, it doesn't show at all. She does nothing like a Muggle and uses her magic constantly for everything. Let's just say she may have been born a Muggle, but she was born into a family of Freaks, whom Muggles themselves consider bizarre, and who make a living out of being strange. She's always well-dressed, with large capes, shimmering fabrics and drapes with magical movements. She has undoubtedly acquired the allure necessary to evolve within the great magical families.


Freya is a tall, slender woman with tanned skin, green eyes and long, shoulder-length dark brown hair. She's a typical flashy woman who's very proud of her body. She has a flat stomach that can show the world she's athletic and sporty. Her soft, piercing emerald eyes play a double game, as do her luscious, attractive lips.

Additional info:

𓆗 | She speaks sign language. To put it simply, she had to learn it as a child because one of the members of the circus was mute and she found it more fun to communicate with him that way than to just talk and receive silent responses to his face.

𓆗 | She's a master of pickpocket arts and theft. When she was younger, she found it surprisingly funny to steal people's wallets to make a bit of money.

𓆗 | She is an excellent seamstress.

𓆗 | Freya sometimes wants to return to the circus, despite the fact that she is seen as nothing more than an object.

𓆗 | She's very agile and supple, able to twist in almost inhuman ways, and above all very fast and enduring. Even running in heels doesn't stop her in her tracks.

𓆗 | She has inherited a signet ring. It has been passed down from generation to generation and, according to her mother, possesses great power.

𓆗 | Since she's often underestimated with her style and superficial air, she likes to play the fool and then surprise others.

𓆗 | Freya found studying at Durmstrang more fun for her taste, especially for their interest in dark magic.

Corporeal patronus
Not in abilities

Hyenas are carnivores, their need for meat is linked to money or sexuality. Its jaw is known to be very powerful, which corresponds to the human conscience, a state of mind that doesn't let go easily.


There’s a dream catcher on top of her bed. All her fortune telling stuff is placed on her desk, tarot cards, crystal ball and many other stuff. Encens is always burning in a corner of her room.


An apartment in a building in London. She live alone here.


A male screech owl named Ambroz.


A female roof rat named Hazel.

Black Walnut, African mermaid hair, 9.75″, Quite Flexible, Spiral Dark brown

Svoboda Magdalena, 46 years old, muggle, fortune teller.

Family: None
Crush on: None
Partner(s): None
Had sex:
Enemies: None