Ira Tilcott's profile

Ira Tilcott

Matrix Album Grades

Full name: Ira Tilcott

Age (Year): 17 years old, 6th year

Birthday: June 23, 1875 (Cancer, ♋︎)

Sexuality: Gay/Lesbian

Blood status: Half-blood

Nationalities: Unknown

MBTI: ISFJ, Defender

D&D alignment: Lawful good

Wand: Pear, Unicorn hair, 10.00″, Quite Flexible, Crooked spiral Warm brown

Best classes: Charms, History of Magic

Worst classes: Defence Against the Dark Arts


Birds, Rocks, Fabric Arts (Knitting, Sewing, Crocheting, etc.)


Birds, Sketching (Birds), Rocks, Fabric Arts (prefers crocheting), Reading, Journaling, Baking


Crowds, People


Born from a secret tryst between his magical mother and his muggle father, Ira was raised by his Grandmother above her tailor shop in Diagon Alley, left there by his pureblood mother when she suspected him to be a squib. Ira grew quite close to his Grandmother and considers her his best friend. His magic was revealed just before his 11th birthday when an unruly customer raised his voice at his grandmother, and Ira had magically thrown him from the shop. His grandmother taught him all the tricks of the trade, but he finds the most comfort with a crochet hook. His biggest struggle when he started Hogwarts (other than the people) was leaving behind his beloved cockatiel, Altheda. To bring him comfort, his grandmother sent him off to school with a new owl, Malachi.


Preferring birds and solitude to people, Ira has spent all of his time at Hogwarts trying to be invisible. But after his grandmother had fallen severely ill, and he found himself potentially facing a life alone he decided it was time to attempt to overcome his anxiety and shyness to make some friends.

With a passion for birds of all kinds, Ira hopes to become an owlet trainer.


Received presents:

Family: None
Crush on:
Partner(s): None
Kissed: None
Had sex: None
Enemies: None