Doris Hecat's profile

Doris Hecat

Matrix Album Grades

Full name: Doris Louise Hecat

Age (Year): 18 years old, 7th year

Birthday: March 22, 1874 (Aries, ♈︎)

Sexuality: Bi/Pan

Blood status: Pure-blood

Nationalities: Half-Irish, Half-Japanese

MBTI: ENFP, Campaigner

D&D alignment: Lawful evil

Wand: Cypress, Unicorn hair, 12.50″, Stiff, Crooked spiral Pale brown

Abilities: Werewolf

Best classes: Transfiguration

Worst classes: Flying

Default album group:

What they smell like:

fire, animal fur (especially like the graphorns' body?), forest after rain, burned marshmallows


Transfiguration and Charms classes, learning about beasts – especially dragons and graphorns


Watching the snow fall, going through the forest, sneaking out, spending time with her friends or family


Flying class, rude people, hurting others, making plans, cooking, cleaning her room, cowardly behaviours, physical fights


She was born in London along with her twin brother, Roy. Emi and Nathan were filled with joy. But they didn’t expect that Emi’s longing for their children would cause so much pain. And after the third birthday of the twins, Doris was hurt as Emi didn’t want to leave her and Roy alone. Ever since, Doris was experiencing full moons away from the world, side by side with her mum. This has repeated for many years, with the same fear, and the same misery. Back then, they were living in the area with more muggles. Yet this has brought even more pain for them, more loneliness.

Not wanting to deal with the past, the Hecat family moved out of their first house. Doris has already shown signs of being a witch. So when Dinah visited them during the summer, she taught both of the twins some spells. However on their eleventh birthday, the young girl didn’t join Roy in school.
Even in Roy’s third year at Hogwarts, Doris stayed at home. Her parents’ fear of the girl going through her full moon without them made it harder for her to be ‘normal’. The only way she knew something about the school was from the stories told by Roy. Especially those about graphorns, which she has spent years reading and dreaming about.

But when she turned fifteen, she was finally able to join other students. With the help of her aunt, brother, and other professors, she quickly caught up with school assignments. She also found an abandoned house, where she spent most of her full moons.


extrovert, outgoing, brave, impulsive, hot-headed, cheerful, charismatic, honest, loyal, adventurous, funny, generous, polite, anxious, sentimental, driven by emotions, messy


long blue curly hair, black eyes, round face and soft facial features, moles on her face and body, big scar going through her left eye, smaller scars all around her body

Additional info:

She's 5'6 feet, or 168 cm, tall.

Her Boggart is Roy with a werewolf's bite on his shoulder. While her Patronus is a lynx (she can't cast its corporeal form).

Her parents are Emi and Nathan Hecat. Her aunt is Dinah Hecat. Her twin brother is Roy Hecat, with whom she shares an owl called 'Captain'.

She's allergic to cats.

Corporeal patronus
Not in abilities

A lynx, like Roy's Animagus


Nathan, the twins' dad, the brother of Dinah Hecat, and the pure chaos of a person. Though, one of the few things he's genuinely serious about is using strength against others.


Emi, the twins' mum, sunshine as the person. And yet, the curse left a never ending impact on her. Unlike her husband, she's usually more reversed, more serious. But she never fails to show her love.


Roy, who (despite them being twins) is pretty different from her. As a Slytherin, and a person far more quiet than her. Still though, they're both protective of each other in their own ways.


Dinah, her aunt and her Professor.

Received presents:

From Dimitry Yusupov
Letter text

With the letter comes a red box with golden ribbon. Inside the box is a book with the title: "Dragons of Europe and Asia".

Given presents:

To Dimitry Yusupov

Happy birthday! ❤️

Crush on: None
Partner(s): None
Kissed: None
Had sex: None
Enemies: None