Roy Hecat's profile

Roy Hecat

Matrix Album Grades

Full name: Roy Felis Hecat

Age (Year): 18 years old, 7th year

Birthday: March 22, 1874 (Aries, ♈︎)

Sexuality: Gay/Lesbian

Blood status: Pure-blood

Nationalities: Half-Irish, Half-Japanese

MBTI: INTJ, Architect

D&D alignment: Chaotic neutral

Wand: Hornbeam, Dragon heartstring, 11.75″, Brittle, Spiral Dark brown

Abilities: Animagus

Best classes: Flying

Worst classes: Divination

Default album group:

What they smell like:

old books, pumpkins, like the air during autumn, fire


Transfiguration classes, Quidditch, reading, writing,


pumpkin fizz, anything Frankenstein related, spending time in the Library, beasts


others hurting his family, rude people, physical fights, having a messy room, getting into a lot of trouble, talking to strangers, Divination classes


He was born in London along with his twin sister, Doris. Emi and Nathan were filled with joy, their worry of him being a werewolf was quickly resolved. As he’s never transformed, only experiencing magical moments around his fourth birthday. Back then, they were living in the area with more muggles. Yet this has only gotten Roy in more, and more trouble.

Not wanting to deal with the past, the Hecat family moved out of their first house. Around that time, Roy developed his first crush, and also realized that he likes boys. Within the next year his aunt, Dinah taught the twins some easy spells. So studying at Hogwarts from the first year didn’t seem like a challenge to him.

Finally on his thirteenth birthday, he was also able to transform into an Animagus. It helped even more, when his sister was also at Hogwarts. Thanks to this, Roy was able to take care of her, and protect her even from her own self.


introvert, quiet, sarcastic, grumpy, loyal, level-headed, caring, smart, logic driven, doesn't trust people easily, very organized, intelligent, independent, thoughtful, collected


pink short hair, black eyes, soft oval facial features, three scars going through his jawline on the right side, moles all over his face and body

Additional info:

He's 5'10 feet, or 177 cm, tall.

His Boggart is Doris getting hurt. While his Patronus is a wolf (he can't cast its corporeal form). His Animagus form is a lynx.

His parents are Emi and Nathan Hecat. His aunt is Dinah Hecat. His twin sister is Doris Hecat, with whom he shares an owl called 'Captain'.


Roy as lynx.

Corporeal patronus
Not in abilities

A wolf, since Doris is one.


Nathan, the twins' dad, the brother of Dinah Hecat, and the pure chaos of a person. Though, one of the few things he's genuinely serious about is using strength against others.


Emi, the twins' mum, sunshine as the person. And yet, the curse left a never ending impact on her. Unlike her husband, she's usually more reversed, more serious. But she never fails to show her love.


Doris, who (despite them being twins) is pretty different from him. As a Gryffindor, and a person far more extroverted than him. Still though, they're both protective of each other in their own ways.


Dinah, his aunt and his Professor.

Received presents:

From Dimitry Yusupov
Letter text

With the letter comes a simple black box with golden ribbon. Inside the box can be found a first edition of "Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometeus" in 3 volumes.

Given presents:

To Dimitry Yusupov

I wish you all the best, Dimitry. You truly deserve the stars, the moon, and far more than that.