Lucia Castaño's profile

Lucia Castaño

Matrix Album Grades
Played by: paledream

Full name: Lucia Evalina Castaño

Age (Year): 17 years old, 6th year

Birthday: October 13, 1874 (Libra, ♎︎)

Sexuality: Straight

Blood status: Pure-blood

Nationalities: Mexican, French

MBTI: ENFJ, Protagonist

D&D alignment: Chaotic good

Wand: Mahogany, Thunderbird tail feather, 10.50″, Pliant, Soft Spiral Warm brown

Abilities: Corporeal patronus, Occlumens

Best classes: Charms, Divination, Herbology, Potions

Worst classes: Arithmancy

Clubs: Made With Love

Default album group:

What they smell like:

Yucca flower, chocolate, rue, gunpowder


Spending time outdoors, socializing, dancing, singing, watching sunsets.


Chocolate, spicy food, fireworks, corn.


Cold weather, getting her socks wet from the snow, regret.

  • Lucia was born and grew up in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico.
  • Lucia was sent to stay with her grandparents in Cassis, France to secure the inheritance.
  • Her grandparents had Lucia choose which school she wanted to attend, she chose Hogwarts to be away from her cousins who attended Beauxbatons.
  • Lucia started at Hogwarts as a 3rd year. She went to Castelobruxo for 2 years before transferring.
  • Lucia is the youngest in her family.
  • Lucia grew up with two older siblings: Celine the eldest and the middle child Miguel Angel.
  • Lucia’s parents, Alvaro Joaquin Castaño & Camélia Aline Beaufort, met during political unrest in Mexico (French Intervention in 1866).
  • Alvaro came from a wealthy and deeply involved political family. His family is divided amongst loyalists and revolutionaries unhappy with the state of the country.
  • Alvaro met Camélia in the capital during the many upper class festivities. They fell in love and Alvaro asked for her hand in marriage.
  • Unlike many countries, being a squib is not taboo or seen in a negative light in Mexico. A large population of the magical folk have prominent family members that do not have magical abilities. If you do not have magical abilities, you simply did not inherit the trait. Squibs are still seen as an assimilated members of society and treated equally.
  • Lucia was taught Occlumency when she was ten years old to protect her from any negative spirits and omens sent by other witches.
  • Lucia learned to dance and sing from a very young age.
  • Lucia plays the piano and the violin.
  • Drinking hot chocolate reminds her of home.

She is curious, confident, and decisive. She is not afraid to raise her hand during lecture to ask questions. She is known as the “Question Queen.” As the youngest, she was spoiled growing up. She can sweet talk her way out of trouble and sway others. She can speak four languages: English, Spanish, French and Portuguese. She does not actively seek confrontation or conflict, she prefers harmony. But when angered, her sweet demeanor can turn poisonous.


Wavy dark brown hair, brown eyes, 5’4 height.

Corporeal patronus

- The small shape & beautiful design of these birds also hint to a witch/wizard’s allusiveness to pursuers captivated by their charm


Poch (Huitzilopochtli) (Bombay Cat)
- Likes to lay on the grass under the sun, lounges around in high places, loves Lucia’s bed.

Mahogany, Thunderbird tail feather, 10.50″, Pliant, Soft Spiral Warm brown

Alvaro Joaquin Castaño (Father)


Miguel Angel Castaño (Brother)
- Middle Child
- 19 Years Old; 3 Years older than Lucia