Ishkan Nazaryan's profile

Ishkan Nazaryan

Matrix Album Grades
Played by: ajdahakkk

Full name: Ishkan Nazaryan

Age (Year): 17 years old, 6th year

Birthday: September 15, 1874 (Virgo, ♍︎)

Sexuality: Straight

Blood status: Half-blood

Nationalities: Armenian


In a small village nestled in the foothills of the Armenian mountains, Ararat, a boy named Ishkan grew up unaware that he was destined for an extraordinary future. Ishkan lived with his mother, Arpi, a muggle singer, and his father, Hovik, a mysterious man who often worked far from home.

Ishkan's parents had never told him that his father was a wizard. Hovik had chosen to keep this secret until he was certain that his son had inherited his magical talents. However, at the age of eight, Ishkan began to show signs of power. One day, while painting with his mother, he began to make brushes fly with a simple movement of his hand. Arpi looked on in amazement, but it was Hovik who smiled with pride.

"It's time to talk to you about something," Hovik had said that evening, sitting on the edge of Ishkan's bed. He explained the magical world, its schools, creatures and spells. Ishkan listened in wonder, discovering that his fairy-tale dreams were not so far from reality.

The following year, Ishkan entered the Russian School of Sorcery. The first months were difficult, as he had never been separated from his family. But he soon adapted, finding friends among the other students. Ishkan became an excellent pupil, quickly learning spells and potions, and participating enthusiastically in classes on defense against the forces of evil.

Everything changed in the summer of his thirteenth year. Ishkan's father was transferred to the UK to work as a prison guard at Azkaban. Ishkan's family moved, which meant he had to change schools. This is how he found himself enrolled at Hogwarts for his fourth year.

At Hogwarts, Ishkan was placed in the Gryffindor house, renowned for its courage and bravery. He was nervous at first, not knowing anyone and not yet fluent in the English language. But the other students welcomed him warmly.

Adventures soon followed. Ishkan soon discovered that Hogwarts was full of secrets, and that the English magical world was just as fascinating as that of his old Russian school. He integrated quickly, making friends with students from different houses.

However, his father's transfer to Azkaban still weighed heavily on his mind. Ishkan knew that Azkaban was a dark and dangerous place, full of terrifying creatures known as Destroyers. Despite this, he remained determined to succeed at Hogwarts, hoping one day to use his magical talents to bring light to the darkest places.


Unlike the rest of the family, Ishkan is not the type to shout or throw a tantrum. He actively avoids problems, which he considers trivial and a waste of time. Despite his kindness, he is strict but a good supervisor. He gives no answers and, instead, prefers to give people the opportunity to figure things out for themselves.

His head is often immersed in books, but Ishkan knows how to let himself live. After all, when you look at the family he grew up in, it's hard to see him as any different from them. He loves a good drink when he gets the chance, going out in the evening to the Three Broomsticks with the rest of his friends, dancing, singing... in short, partying, especially after a big day of revision.

He's a boy with a lot of self-confidence. He adopts an attitude not because he thinks he's always right, but because he's not afraid of making mistakes. He doesn't mind being contradicted, and finds that finding out what's right is far more important than being right. And when he's wrong, he's confident enough to admit it gracefully. He often admits he's wrong or doesn't have all the answers. Ishkan is convinced that he has the resources within himself to deal with whatever comes his way. It's the ability to throw oneself into action despite doubts.

Corporeal patronus
Not in abilities



