Andrew Larson's profile

Andrew Larson Prefect

Matrix Album Grades

Full name: Andrew Larson

Age (Year): 17 years old, 6th year

Birthday: February 16, 1875 (Aquarius, ♒︎)

Sexuality: Straight

Blood status: Pure-blood

Nationalities: English

MBTI: INFJ, Advocate

D&D alignment: Neutral good

Wand: Elm, Unicorn hair, 12.75″, Hard, Classic Honey brown

Best classes: Charms, Herbology, Potions

Worst classes: Astronomy

Clubs: Page Turners

Default album group:

What they smell like:

Bergamot, Wood Polish, Pears, Parchment

What they smell in their amortentia:

Lavender, old books


Healing Work


pear drops, a good book, hot tea, gossip, puzzles, chess (prefers muggle over wizards), divination, art, literature, travel, candles, maps, romance, chipped china, dark chocolate.


tomatoes, spicy food, reckless behavior, debauchery, excessive noise, untidiness, spiders, inebriation, pessimists.


Magic by nature and nurture, Andrew Larson was raised in the Chelsea area of London, England in a comfortably large home concealed by magic. Despite the purity of his blood, his family holds no purist ideals - wearing their blood traitor badge with pride during the events in their social calendars.

Born to Ineus and Edith Larson (nee Selwyn), Andrew had a happy and loving childhood, joined by his baby sister, Dorothy (Dottie), when he was five. His father, a legislator for the Ministry of Magic, is quiet and orderly. His mother, a seer with a sense of whimsy and calming aura, is the head curator at MoMa - the Museum of Magical Art. The Witch and Wizard met at a Ministry party, an art show, the summer after they both graduated from their respective schools. (Edith from Hogwarts, Ineus from Durmstrang). Their first words were shared beneath a remarkable portrait of Edessa Sakndenberg, when a passing Rosier spat his commentary regarding mudbloods and blood traitors. Ineus' own commentary, mumbled into his firewhiskey had pulled a giggle from Edith, and as the night progressed, He captured her heart.

Their love story was full of passion, and only two short years later, after a wedding much too small for their families' liking, Edith & Ineus welcomed their son into the world.

The Larson children were raised with an open mind, and a love for art and literature. Their parents whisking them around the world at every opportunity, eager to nourish their growing minds and nurture their curiosity. They were happy. The anxieties most pureblood families held over the possibility of their children being squibs did not exist in the Larson household, Ineus & Edith endlessly assuring their children they did not care if they were magical or not, just that they were happy and healthy. Their point proven with the 5th inhabitant of the Larson Household, Edith's brother Claude Selwyn. Born a squib, cast from the family tree and excommunicated. The Larson family took him in, and to this day, Claude Selwyn, who once spent his days chasing after the Larson spawn, now spends his days doing odd jobs around Muggle London, and, is Andrew's favorite person in the whole world.

Andrew's magic, despite unconditional in terms of his parents love and affection, was never in question. Since infancy, his magic showed in little ways. Stuffed bears pulled across the room while he stood in his crib, healed his little sisters scraped knees, woke to double the amount of knuts under his pillow after a lost tooth than his parents had set there. Thus, The Hogwarts Letter bearing his name on his eleventh birthday was no surprise at all, but he was elated nonetheless, eager to walk the corridors he had heard his mother speak so wistfully about all of his life.


Sweet and kind like his mother, judicial and well-kept like his father, and inquisitive like the both of them, Andrew is the quiet sort. Often misinterpreted as shy, the Ravenclaw simply does not speak just to speak. He speaks when he has something to say, something of value to add to the moment. As much as he loves to get lost in the world of art and literature and music, he is just as content enjoying quality conversation over tea with a close friend.

He is a sentimental, and romantic sort - one could not be raised by Edith Larson the Seer and not see the world through rose-colored glasses. Finding beauty and divinity in the mundane. His shelves in his dorm, and back home, littered with mementos and trinkets of times that filled his chest with warmth. His very first course schedule, Cordelia's kitten collar, and still on his window sill back home, the very first plant he grew in herbology.

Andrew Larson values quality over quantity in everything he does. Despite being raised well-off, and more than comfortable, he does not spend his money recklessly or extravagantly. He does not have a crowd of friends, preferring to keep his circle close and tightly knit.

Additional info:

Andrew's Current Classes: Potions, Herbology, Charms, Defense Against The Dark Arts, Transfiguration, Advanced Arithmancy Studies, Magical Theory and Muggle Music

Dottie started at Hogwarts at the start of Andrew's sixth year, and was sorted into Gryffindor.

He wears reading glasses.

Corporeal patronus
Not in abilities

Independent & ambitious, The Aardvark patronus believes that success comes before all other things. Friendly and social, they have a burning desire deep inside of themselves to survive and conquer.

Elm, Unicorn hair, 12.75″, Hard, Classic Honey brown
Family: None
Crush on:
Partner(s): None
Friends: None
Had sex: None
Enemies: None