Ominis Gaunt's profile

Ominis Gaunt

Matrix Album Grades
Played by: pandansca

Full name: Ominis Gaunt

Age (Year): 18 years old, 7th year

Birthday: June 9, 1874 (Gemini, ♊︎)

Sexuality: Gay/Lesbian

Blood status: Pure-blood

Nationalities: English

MBTI: ISTJ, Logistician

D&D alignment: Lawful neutral

Wand: English Oak, , Solid, Black

Abilities: Parselmouth

Best classes: Arithmancy, History of Magic, Muggle Studies

Worst classes: Astronomy, Flying, Potions

Clubs: Crossed Wands, Page Turners

Default album group:
Midjourney album group:

What they smell like:

Magnolia blossoms, leather-bound books, and the fucking floor


Playing the piano, reading (especially poetry), overindulging in sweets, sleeping, being Sebastian's stepfather.


Soft, comfortable clothes, cats, ambient white noise, sweets, poetry, music, naps, time with his friends, his personal space, hearing ALL the gossip, stirring the pot, squandering his family's wealth- because fuck them, that's why.


Hobbhouse (no, he will not elaborate), loud sounds, the cold, spicy foods, strong smells, riding brooms, chewing with your mouth open, snoring, potions class, not being told ALL the hot tea as it happens, being told what to do, having his personal space invaded by people he isn't close with, dark magic.


Tends to keep to himself and is introverted by default unless he needs to insert a sassy statement (Is Sebastian in the room? That's probably why.) or he gets comfortable with you. Quick to anger, quick to sadden if his family line is brought up or he is automatically assumed to have shared family values.
Can be either the greatest ride-or-die friend of your life or your worst enemy. Is very sweet and caring and thoughtful, but can and will hold a grudge.
Lives off no sleep and spite. He doesn't sleep very well at night due to frequent night terrors about his traumatizing past and so he often makes up for it by napping anywhere in the castle as well as in some classes.

Hates any form of discrimination. He will kick you. If you enjoy dabbling in dark magic don't even talk to him.
He will diss you to an early grave.


Short, dirty blonde hair naturally parted at the side yet styled back and out of his face entirely. Pale, blind blue eyes. A small collection of beauty marks on his cheeks and body. Pale skin, thin, not muscular.

Corporeal patronus
Not in abilities

Swan. Cannot cast. No happy enough memories.


Gaunt family crest


Gaunt Manor. He spent most of his life on this property, never allowed to leave. He hates it there and wishes to never return.


His Aunt Noctua's estate. He hardly remembers it. But he has a fond memory of falling asleep on Noctua's lap while she reads to him beneath the magnolia tree...


A barn owl. His name is Whisper.

English Oak, , Solid, Black

Ominis' father, Orobas Gaunt.


Ominis' mother, Tempest.


Ominis' older brother, Marvolo. 21 years old.


The only source of love and kindness in Om's childhood, Honby. Often secretly comforted him while crying late at night. Always brought him sweets.

Given presents:

To Dimitry Yusupov

Given to Dimitry at his birthday party
He reaches into his pants pocket and procures a small box, handing it off to his fellow blonde. "All the more reason to give you your present, as your friendship has been quite valuable to me these past years. I hope the value of these suits you just as well."