Sebastian Sallow's profile

Sebastian Sallow

Matrix Album Grades
Played by: paledream

Full name: Sebastian Sallow

Age (Year): 17 years old, 6th year

Birthday: June 30, 1875 (Cancer, ♋︎)

Sexuality: Unknown

Blood status: Pure-blood

Nationalities: British

MBTI: ENTP, Debater

D&D alignment: True neutral

Wand: Yew, Dragon heartstring, 12.50″, Unyielding, Classic Light brown

Abilities: Unforgivables casting

Best classes: Charms, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Ghoul Studies, Transfiguration

Worst classes: History of Magic

Clubs: Crossed Wands, Page Turners, Quips & Quills

Default album group:

What they smell like:

Campfire ash, freshly baked bread, old parchment, dark chocolate


Dueling, reading in the library, hanging out in the Undercroft, debating


Butterbeer, cauldron cakes, winning, annoying Ominis


Rules, being proved wrong, nagging

  • Sebastian grew up extroverted, charismatic, and sarcastic.
  • Sebastian and Anne were 8 years old when their parents died from an unidentified toxic that leaked into their cellar while they were researching one night.
  • Before moving to Feldcroft, Sebastian and Anne lived in a narrow apartment home in East End of London and north of the River Thames.
  • When Anne got cursed and was sent back to Feldcroft, Sebastian turned more introverted and isolated. He became somewhat depressed and obsessed with searching for a cure for Anne.
  • Now that Anne returned to Hogwarts after being cured, Sebastian is doing his best to adjust his life back to normal. Something that has been difficult and somewhat impossible after the events of his 5th year.
  • Sebastian is desperate to make up for his mistakes and establish a bond with his sister once again.
  • Sebastian is protective over Anne now more than ever.
  • Sebastian gets easily anxious and frustrated when Anne is having one of her bad days, which make him relive the past memories of her curse.
  • Sebastian often takes time to be alone to think and reflect, which can stretch on for days until he returns with a smile on his face.
  • He has a guilty conscience, leading to sleepless nights and nightmares. He does not talk about it but Ominis is aware.
  • Sebastian no longer casts unforgivable curses after the death of his uncle.

Sebastian is clever, confident, loyal, competitive and ambitious. But he can be sarcastic, stubborn, obsessive, and annoying. Sebastian is a true academic and a pursuer of all knowledge. After the events of his 5th year he became introverted, quiet, observant, and mellow. There are moments where he does not appear like himself. There are times where he gets excessive sleep or no sleep at all. The more tired he is, the grumpier and quiet he is.


Messy dark brown hair, brown eyes, 6’0 height

Corporeal patronus
Not in abilities

- Some believe that the crow is an omen of dark magic
- The crow is very resourceful, ambitious, and cunning


Eytelia Barracus’ home, where the Sallow twins stay under her guardianship.


Moss (Barred Owl)
- Short for Mr. Ominis Sharp Scruffles
- Moss is shared between Sebastian and his twin sister Anne

Yew, Dragon heartstring, 12.50″, Unyielding, Classic Light brown
Crush on: None
Partner(s): None
Kissed: None
Had sex: None
Enemies: None