Aida Ambrosia's profile

Aida Ambrosia

Matrix Album Grades
Played by: ajdahakkk

Full name: Aida Ambrosia

Age (Year): 17 years old, 6th year

Birthday: October 10, 1874 (Libra, ♎︎)

Sexuality: Straight

Blood status: Pure-blood

Nationalities: Unknown

MBTI: ESFJ, Consul

D&D alignment: Chaotic good

Abilities: Vampire


After being kicked out of their home following the death of their father at the hands of their stepmother, they were found on the side of the road by a man named Pierro. Without question, the wealthy sorcerer picked them up and took them with him to England. No one at his manor sought to know more after asking him where he had found the young vampires. The inhabitants got used to their presence as the man normalized it.

For a while, they didn't say a word, and everyone thought they were mute. This was only because they didn't understand any English, so Pierro advised them to listen and tell him which words were complicated for them, so that he could translate them into a little book. Aida still has a bit of trouble, but Aisha learned quickly.

It is said that you can find two silhouettes of young girls standing in the crowd and before you notice them they will have already evaporated without a trace. It's said that their presence is a warning that trouble is brewing in Pierro's mansion. Secrets will be revealed, traitors will be caught, and judgment will be passed on those who are against him. As long as you're in the manor, you'll be under the watchful eye of these shadows. Keep your secrets safe - the children will show no mercy to those who betray their home.


Aida’s personality is shaped by her limited exposure to the outside world and her reliance on her father as her sole source of wisdom and authority. Unlike her sister Aisha, she lacks knowledge from external sources such as books and instead follows what she has learned and believes to be right based on her father's teachings. Despite this, Aida demonstrates a keen awareness of her immediate surroundings, although she tends to focus more on the reality of the present rather than considering future possibilities, even when discussing hypothetical situations.

She often appears charming and conforms to external values. understanding that behaving in such a manner is necessary for acceptance and affection. Aida also exhibits skill in defusing potentially problematic situations, utilizing her charm and diplomacy to navigate conflicts.

In contrast to Aisha's strict demeanor, Aida adopts a more amiable approach towards the members of the household, striving to maintain positive relationships and avoid conflicts at all costs. Her principle revolves around appeasement and finding common ground with others, preferring manipulation through pretense of sweetness and kindness rather than outright rebellion like her sister.

Aida and Aisha make a formidable duo. Aida is highly communicative, cheerful, and adept at extracting information without arousing suspicion, although she tends to become
somewhat timid when confronted with problems. On the other hand, Aisha is analytic and unafraid of direct conflict. It's as if they complement each other perfectly.

Corporeal patronus
Not in abilities
Crush on:
Partner(s): None
Kissed: None
Had sex: None
Enemies: None