Ambrose Dolohov's profile

Ambrose Dolohov

Matrix Album Grades

Full name: Ambrose Dolohov

Age (Year): 18 years old, 8th year

Birthday: July 23, 1873 (Leo, ♌︎)

Sexuality: Gay/Lesbian

Blood status: Pure-blood

Nationalities: Unknown

MBTI: ENFP, Campaigner

D&D alignment: Chaotic good

Wand: Ebony, Dragon heartstring, 13.75″, Fairly Bendy, Dark brown

Clubs: Artists Alcove, Break A Leg




decadent sweets, mallowsweet, expensive champagne, art, fashion, money, sex, sunny days, open windows, metaphors, tobacco, poetry, quidditch, theatre.


responsibility, sour sweets, floral scents, love, criticism, expectations, the Quiet, stereotypes.


The eldest child to Ilius & Helene Dolohov, Ambrose was born and raised to be an heir. An heir to the Dolohov fortune and family name, tasked with the lofty expectation of carrying on their bloodline without sullying its purity.

Ambrose, never the sort to keep his thoughts to himself, has always been rather vocal about his disdain for such practices — save for his predilections, which he finds are none of his parents business, thank you very much.

With no such aspirations in mind, Ambrose rarely spends energy on coursework, just enough to slip by without earning himself a tongue-lashing from his dear father and keep himself on the roster of his various extracurriculars. Loathe to be found in any stuffy room such as the library, He much prefers the greenhouses, where he can unwind with a bit of his favorite magical herb, rolled deftly under the desk in History of Magic, or the art room, or theatre practice, or the pitch, or simply anywhere that is not his parents home or resembles it in anyway.

He is flirtatious and full of himself, but if one takes the time to dig deeper, chisel their way past the well-accessorized exterior — they’d find a soft-hearted boy full of passion with his head in the clouds.


Dolohov Estate

Ebony, Dragon heartstring, 13.75″, Fairly Bendy, Dark brown
Family: None
Crush on: None
Partner(s): None
Kissed: None
Had sex: None
Enemies: None