Manon Aucoin's profile

Manon Aucoin

Matrix Album Grades
Played by: ajdahakkk

Full name: Manon Aucoin

Age (Year): 17 years old, 6th year

Birthday: February 28, 1875 (Pisces, ♓︎)

Sexuality: Straight

Blood status: Pure-blood

Nationalities: French

Wand: Larch, Curupira hair, 11.50″, Quite Flexible, Classic Light brown

Best classes: Alchemy, Arithmancy, History of Magic

Worst classes: Care of Magical Creatures, Transfiguration

Default album group:

Once upon a time, on February 29, the eighth wonder of the world was born, the one who would become queen of the world and build a world run by peoples with beautiful hair. Her name was Manon and she was very, very, very... uh... beautiful ?

Manon Aucoin had always been her family's pain. Her parents and sister treated her with contempt, calling her a stupid girl and treating her like a punching bag for their frustrations. Every day, she endured cruel remarks and disdainful gestures that undermined her self-esteem, quickly joined by her little brother himself.

This constant abuse had an impact on Manon mind and behavior. She began to act recklessly and foolishly, desperately seeking her family's attention, even if it was by negative means. She made tasteless jokes, took foolish risks and neglected her responsibilities.

Unfortunately, this attitude only made her situation worse. Her parents and siblings mocked her even more, reinforcing the toxic cycle in their relationship. Manon felt trapped in a vicious circle, unable to free herself from her family's emotional grip.


Manon is a hyperactive, impulsive person who often says and does whatever comes to mind. This often leads her to act without thinking about the consequences of her actions, or to get caught up in someone else's lies, which more often than not get her into trouble. She likes to make jokes to make others laugh, but often fails or takes a joke too far. Manon is generally undeterred by her inability to make gags, and is creative in coming up with new jokes or humorous reactions.

The brunette is very competitive, which often turns an already awkward situation into something out of control. Manon's misadventures occurred so often at Beauxbatons that, in the Student Council archives, any disaster involving the Club she was in could be attributed to her.

She's not academically inclined, falls asleep in class and isn't diligent with her homework. And ironically, although she is considered stupid by her acquaintances, Manon is the smartest in terms of academic performance and excels considerably compared to them, but her success is limited due to her erratic behavior.

Her mind is scattered and she can have trouble concentrating, going off on long tangents and overthinking. The girl tends to freeze easily when confronted with something she doesn't understand but refuses to acknowledge. Although she's generally an easygoing person, her mood changes instantly if she's insulted.

Additional info:

𓌜 | The Hufflepuff is in pure denial. She say that her family is great and mean to her just to prepare her for the hard real life that is coming after school. But deep down she definitely know that nothing is normal. That her relationship with them is toxic. She just don’t want to believe in any of that. She just wish for a normal family life.

𓌜 | Manon is banned from pure bloods parties since a year because she burned down the place by accident when she wanted to help with something.

𓌜 | Her lying phase lasted less than a week. Her mom caught ber every time and would make her drink half a bottle or so of Tabasco sauce then sit at the kitchen table for an hour, her mouth on fire. Still hate that sauce to this day.

𓌜 | Her father once locked her in a bathroom stall at a restaurant for a good half hour to teach her a lesson because she talked too much.

𓌜 | She is always told by her family that she is unworthy of notice. That no matter how hard she try, she is a failure.

𓌜 | Everytime she gave flowers or drawings to her mom, she throwed them in the fire right in front of her without adding anything else.

𓌜 | Her Dad stomping on her hand and breaking 6 bones, then refusing to take her to the hospital until her mom got home 5 hours later.

𓌜 | Her dad once hit her so hard across the back of her head she lost the ability to breathe for what seemed like ages. She was 7 and was playing with some toys and didn't want to go socialise with the adults in another room.

𓌜 | Her sister used to pull her wand on her as a kid. A lot. Aimed right at her. It was her go-to threat to make her do whatever she wanted, imediately, without question. Plus she just seemed to like watching her lose her shit freaking out in terror at this. She’s still afraid of wands pointing at her to this day.

𓌜 | Cutting hairs is seen as a way to release past traumas and signify a fresh start. This is one of the reasons she can randomly start cutting her hairs at any moment of the day.

𓌜 | She can speak, write, understand and read in French, English, Latin, Spanish and Hebrew.

𓌜 | Being at hogwarts is like pure freedom for her. She hope she can just disappear after the end of her 7th year and never go back to her family.

𓌜 | One time, her older sister put insect eggs in a bowl with some milk and told her it was cereals before make them eat to Manon.

𓌜 | Little brother held her down and held her mouth open. Older sister poured an entire can of black pepper down her throat. Inhaled a bunch and swallowed a bunch more. alot got in her eyes and nose also. She spent the entire night curled up in the bathtub running water over her face while throwing up/coughing pepper.

𓌜 | Manon is one really smart individual. Playing dumb is her way of keeping herself safe and she become like that as soon as she’s out of a classroom.

𓌜 | Get laughed at a lot at school, she know that , she just act like she don’t see anything or else she’ll end up crying in the middle of one corridors.

𓌜 | Scared of the stairs at hogwarts because she fell when one of them began to move but fortunately landed on one of the steps just below, saving her from certain death.

𓌜 | If asked what she like, she probably won’t even know how to answer. What color is her favorite ? Don’t know. What food does she prefer ? Don’t know.


Her family personal owl. She call her Lola.


A male Maine Coon named Youssef

Larch, Curupira hair, 11.50″, Quite Flexible, Classic Light brown

Aucoin Enzo, 46 years old


Aucoin Chloé, 45 years old


Aucoin Marie, 20 years old


Aucoin Sébastien, 15 years old

Family: None
Crush on: None
Partner(s): None
Kissed: None
Had sex: None
Enemies: None