Maeve Lockwood's profile

Maeve Lockwood

Matrix Album Grades
Played by: accioquill

Full name: Maeve Kiera Lockwood

Age (Year): 16 years old, 5th year

Birthday: April 8, 1876 (Aries, ♈︎)

Sexuality: Bi/Pan

Blood status: Muggleborn

Nationalities: English

MBTI: ENFJ, Protagonist

D&D alignment: Chaotic neutral

Wand: Ebony, Phoenix feather, 10.75″, Unyielding, Classic Black

Abilities: Mediumship

Best classes: Divination

Worst classes: Alchemy

What they smell like:

Jasmine and white tea, Marzipan, Sage

What they smell in their amortentia:

Freshly cleaned and pressed linen, bibliosmia, ink print


Reading, People-watching, The dark arts, magical artifacts


Sugar Quills, Ghosts, flowers


Playing the piano, touchy feely people, nosy people, spicy food, anything that makes her senses go haywire, Stuck-up wealthy aristocrats


Muggleborn born into a wealthy family in London. Her family deals in underground/paranormal artifacts and Maeve's ability is often exploited for their buyers.

She had to suppress a lot of her magical abilities in order to fit in. At Hogwarts, she plans to make a name for herself and escape her family's expectations and engagements. She is expected to marry a duke after Hogwarts and she actively dreads it.


Calculating, Stubborn, doesn’t take much seriously, untrusting and independent, listens intently and watches just as intently

Isn't a fan of overly touchy people due to her ability


Big icy blue eyes and full lips
dark chestnut hair
Slender but athletic
Always wearing gloves

Family: None
Crush on: None
Partner(s): None
Friends: None
Kissed: None
Had sex: None
Enemies: None