Elliott Blackwood's profile

Elliott Blackwood

Matrix Album Grades
Played by: ajdahakkk

Full name: Elliott Blackwood

Age (Year): 17 years old, 6th year

Birthday: May 11, 1875 (Taurus, ♉︎)

Sexuality: Bi/Pan

Blood status: Muggleborn

Nationalities: English

Wand: Fir, Unicorn hair, 10.00″, Solid,


Elliott was a child born into extreme poverty. His parents struggled to make ends meet, living each day in uncertainty about their next meal. The black market was their first resort for money, even if they knew it meant sacrificing part of their son's integrity.

The day they sold Elliott's kidney marked a turning point in their lives. It was a desperate act, a decision taken in a hurry to survive. He'll never forget the day that man dressed in black removed his organ in the worst possible way. How can he still be alive? He has no idea. Elliott is certain he should have died that day. And all for a few coins.

At a young age, around 7 or 8, he was sold by his mother and father to a wealthy family as a slave. During that time, he used to cry out for his parents to save him. They abused him to the point of him being terrified of them, something that still haunts him.

The trouble was, from the age of 11, he started receiving strange letters, saying he was a wizard or something. Having never learned to read, he relied on what his masters where talking about, and never knew what the letter said in its entirety. They thought it was a bad joke coming from the child, who could neither read nor write, and preferred to punish him without a second thought. The letters went on for years and years, making them angry to the point that they even took his eye out as a punishment, proclaiming that « slaves have no need for two eyes ».

It wasn't until he was 16 that a mysterious woman showed up at the entrance to the big house, bringing him out of his nightmare. He couldn't explain how she had managed to convince them. A memory-erasing spell, she said. Crazy old woman, he thought, that Hecat. It wasn't until he reached hogsmeade for the first time that he finally decided to believe her. The trouble was, the more he discovered about magic as they went along, the more he wondered why they hadn't come for him sooner if it was so simple. A bitter feeling he still harbors against hogwarts.


Elliott's character embodies a tumultuous juxtaposition of traits born from a life marred by adversity and anguish. Constrained by poverty's shackles, devoid of the privilege of formal education or the socialization afforded by economic stability, he navigates the world with a brash demeanor concealing an underlying innocence, tainted by the harsh realities he endured. His interactions often brim with an abrasive edge, a defense mechanism honed through years of fending for himself in a hostile environment. Yet, beneath this hardened exterior lies a heart pulsating with empathy, a testament to his inherent goodness amidst the darkness.

The scars of Elliott's past, etched deep into his psyche, cast a shadow that colors his every thought and action. Tortured and tormented, abandoned by the very hands that should have offered solace and protection, he finds himself ensnared in a labyrinth of emotional turmoil. The trauma inflicted upon him festers like an open wound, birthing a profound fear of abandonment that gnaws at the fringes of his consciousness, a relentless specter haunting his every interaction. Within him, a tempest rages—a maelstrom of rage, hatred, and despair, swirling in the depths of his soul, remnants of a childhood robbed of innocence and security.

A former homeless, Elliott's journey through life reads like a tragedy penned by fate's cruelest hand. Sold into slavery by the two persons that should have nurtured him, he traverses a world devoid of color, his spirit cloaked in a perpetual shroud of desolation. Each day is a battle, fought not against external adversaries, but the demons that lurk within—a relentless onslaught of depression that threatens to engulf him entirely. Life has become a desolate landscape, bereft of joy or purpose, leaving Elliott adrift in a sea of despair, longing for the warmth of love's embrace yet resigned to the cold embrace of solitude.

Fir, Unicorn hair, 10.00″, Solid,
Family: None
Crush on: None
Partner(s): None
Friends: None
Kissed: None
Had sex: None
Enemies: None