Hogwarts' clubs

Artists Alcove

Club description:

Artists Alcove. Ever wanted a portrait? You’ve come to the right place! This is the club for artists and lovers of the arts to get together and create.

Hidden away in the castle is a bright and airy studio, stacked with canvases and supplies for the budding artist to create with.

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Break A Leg

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Drama Club! Ballet? Dance? Theatre? If you like to command attention on a stage then this club is for you!

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Hogwarts Chronicle

Club description:

Hogwarts Chronicle; The student run newspaper for students and faculty!

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Made With Love

Club description:

Made With Love for handicrafts, Hogwarts crafting club! Any and all materials welcome, stop by for weekly themes and fun!

Tucked away in the castle, is a small classroom filled with magical materials and decorated beautifully with handmade treasures from the schools most crafty students.

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Morbid Mischief

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A club for those who have friends and familiarity with The Other Side…

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Page Turners

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Page Turners, the club for literature lovers! Read together and recommend your favourite books!

Hidden away in the castle is a cosy reading nook, home to Hogwarts reading club, the Page Turners.

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Quips & Quills

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Do you love a good argument and want an excuse to do so during a school sanctioned event? Want an excuse to flaunt your intellectual superiority? JOIN QUIPS & QUILLS DEBATE CLUB TODAY.

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The Oven Achievers

Club description:

The Oven Achievers, located in the kitchens. Perfect for all students who love to cook and bake!

In a tucked away corner of the kitchens, is a human sized work area for all the members of Hogwarts cooking club, that is politely out of the way of the hardworking house elves.

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Witches, Wizards & Weevils

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Nature Enthusiasts! Whether you appreciate a calming walk on a sunny day or are after finding that ever elusive mushroom. This club is for you!

A club for hiking, foraging, plant identifying, etc. If it’s outdoors, it counts.

Hidden away in the castle is the classroom home to the Witches, Wizards and Weevils club. Filled to the brim with various herbs, plants and creatures for all those who love to forage to collect and investigate their findings.

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