Nova Black's profile

Nova Black

Matrix Album Grades
Played by: ajdahakkk

Full name: Nova Rรกna Black

Age (Year): 17 years old, 6th year

Birthday: October 1, 1874 (Libra, ♎︎)

Sexuality: Straight

Blood status: Pure-blood

Nationalities: British

MBTI: ENTJ, Commander

D&D alignment: Chaotic neutral

Wand: Yew, Thunderbird tail feather, 12.00โ€ณ, Supple, Notched Black

Abilities: Corporeal patronus, Legilimens, Nonverbal casting, Occlumens, Unforgivables casting

Best classes: Advanced Arithmancy Studies, Alchemy, Ancient Studies, Apparition, Arithmancy, Art/Muggle Art, Astronomy, Care of Magical Creatures, Charms, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Divination, Flying, Ghoul Studies, Herbology, History of Magic, Magical Home Economics, Magical Theory, Muggle Music, Muggle Studies, Potions, Study of Ancient Runes, Transfiguration

Clubs: Page Turners, Quips & Quills

What they smell like:

Nova smell like blood, old paper and citrus.

What they smell in their amortentia:

Black coffee tingles his nostrils every time he smells his potion. As he so aptly puts it, "A working day doesn't really end until I've had my ninth cup of coffee". The second smell is that of a muggle sandwich he ate one day, pretty good in his opinion.


๐—™๐—ฎ๐˜ƒ๐—ผ๐—ฟ๐—ถ๐˜๐—ฒ ๐˜๐—ต๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ด๐˜€ :

Favorite drink : Black coffee
Favorite food : Anything edible
Favorite snack : Marshmallow and peanut butter sandwich
Favorite animal : Snake/Dog
Favorite magical creature : Basilisk
Favorite plant : Datura Stramonium
Favorite place : Where nobody can find him
Favorite color : Dark colors
Favorite weather : Stormy
Favorite instrument : Violin
Favorite season : Winter
Favorite gemstone : dgaf


For as long as he can remember, he's never been alone. First Nova was conceived with a sister, Selene, who from the very moment of their conception became the most important person in his life. His mother often said that when she was pregnant with them, she felt them both moving at the same time, as if they needed to do everything together, even prove that they were there, healthy and ready to come into the world. He would never hurt her. She's the only one who had that privilege, by the way; he wasn't exactly given a measured character when he came into the world.

Like all little purebloods, he had the right to private lessons in order to have a more than decent level when he arrived at Hogwarts, and he was already well advanced in magical education when his magic was revealed one day, when he wanted to grab a packet of cookies from high up and the maid had orders not to give them any because the meal was going to be served two hours later. "They don't have the right to refuse me anything, and they don't have the right to say no to my sister," he thought. The package arrived in his hands without forcing it, under the hallucinated gaze of the maid, who hastened to inform her parents of this magical demonstration.

Instead of scolding him, his father began to teach him the art of legilimenci and occlumenci despite the boy young age. He kept telling him that it was for the simple reason that he was the most powerful of the siblings and that he had to become even more powerful to surpass his brothers and sisters.

Proud of this, in addition to his usual lessons, he began to teach him black magic. Practice for him and theory for his sister, for that was what they were best at. Nova was fierce and feisty, while she was deceitful and venal, the perfect combination of two beings united for better or for worse. Selene was the second part of his heart and soul, and together they were capable of the best. How unfortunate.


[Never forget to be ruthless. It's the only mercy you can give yourself in this world.]

Everything had happened so fast when he had hardly started his third year at hogwarts, he couldn't see the seconds ticking by. A letter, an express drive, and he was back at the family manor. Staring into space, he stood alone with his mother and the rest of his siblings in the large reception room. Empty. The widow, dressed in black, looked just as bewildered as her kids. For today, the Blacks were mourning not one, but two losses, changing the entire family dynamic.

โ€“ He'll get better. I'm sure father will get better, with the best medicomage and-

โ€“ Enough !, asserts the woman, exasperated by the optimism of one of her sons.

Mouth still ajar, the young man resigned himself, lowering his head. Selene hadn't survived the bombing, but his father had. Bedridden - certainly for several months - he wasn't in a position to answer to anyone. But he was alive. That simple thought, for a simple man, was enough to keep the little flame of hope burning.

โ€“ We'll discuss the arrangements the day after tomorrow. I have to organize Selene's funeral before anything else.

The youngest's child of the family mind clicked as he realized the weight of his mother's words. While the future seemed completely foggy, the matriarch's hands trembled. She was certainly just as confused as he was. So, rolling up his sleeves, Nova decided it was time to get over the shock and get better, so he wouldn't have to deal with the loss of another family member.


According to those close to him, Nova is not a very refined person, with his rarely polite manner of speaking, or his rather rude gestures. He almost constantly makes inappropriate remarks. Not to mention his unrivalled dark humor, which is often misinterpreted. However, he's not a character who's always looking for trouble - on the contrary. But if the situation calls for it, he can be provocative in front of his rivals, almost going so far as to belittle them, a trait that often destabilizes those close to him and also earns him the reputation of underestimating his opponents in this way.

He has the personality of a sixty-year-old. He is shown as an intellectual genius, often dismissing others, including his family, as stupid or inferior, and expressing disinterest in their personal affairs. He is also sarcastic, pragmatic and incredibly proud. He also displays impulsive behavior.

Nova is also a ruthless and incredibly efficient killer. Although he doesn't like killing, he seems to have no scruples about the people he has killed and is more than willing to eliminate anyone, even innocents, whose death might be useful, and even shows nonchalance when planning to murder them. Overall, Black proved perfectly willing to eliminate anyone who got in the way of his goals.

Despite his antisocial behavior, he is compassionate and cares deeply for his family. He works tirelessly. Most of the time, he even refuses to involve his family for fear they might die.

Nova is obsessed with his science. Driven by an all-consuming ambition, he seeks to create inventions that allow him to surpass his status as a mere human being... he defies the limits of humanity, to the point of sometimes taking himself for God, and always questioning the laws of Nature. He wants to know how to do everything, from transforming himself into a beast with the special power of animagus, to bringing the dead back to life under his command with necromancy, or finding a way to travel through time.

Additional info:

๐“Œ | Learning languages is pretty easy to him. He becomes fluent quickly and has been trained since his young age. For now, he can speak English, French, Russian, Swedish, Greek, Spanish and Latin.

๐“Œ | Anything Nova touches can become a weapon. He's never short of imagination when it comes to getting the better of someone.

๐“Œ | The boy has a switchblade and his wand on his dominant arm pocket (he could use anything as a weapon, but he likes to be โ€œpreparedโ€ in any type and world possible).

๐“Œ | Nova has an odd fixation with guns and knives (he would explain EVERYTHING ABOUT A SPECIFIC WEAPON) (heโ€™s a nerd) (heโ€™ll never admit it) (ever).

๐“Œ | He tries to never indulge with small things like getting large amounts of food because he has the mindset that he โ€œmight need extra in case something bad happensโ€.

๐“Œ | Nova say that he hates animals but heโ€™d give a pat to a dog/cat if heโ€™d see one (but heโ€™ll glare at the poor thing if it scratches him-).

๐“Œ | The Black kill creatively- as if it were his canvas, he is an artist with blood.

๐“Œ | He likes bitter coffee candy (if he cant get coffee heโ€™d raid a candy shop rather than logically coming after a cafe-).

๐“Œ | Everybody has a certain cousin that teaches you a few things. like how to smoke, how to pick-pocket, how to hot-wire a car, how to put tacks in your shoe when you want to throw off a lie detector test. Well he is this cousin.

๐“Œ | He is really annoyed when people treat him like a kid but isn't above playing the Helpless Child when it serves his purposes. Nova got a coffee urn because he went up to some lady, put a sad act, and went โ€œoh no.. i dont got a gift to give to my dad.. he always wanted a coffee urn after ours brokeโ€ and the lady would have pitied his ass and bought a cheap but durable one for him.

๐“Œ | It is easy to know something is wrong because he sleeps with his socks on in case he has to leave somewhere in the middle of the night which is insane because he hates sleeping with socks on.

๐“Œ | Nova hate physical touch at first, flinching like a surprised cat, but he gets used to it slowly and one person at a time. Definitely depend of who is trying to touch him.

๐“Œ | He needs alone time every day and will take offense if somebody he appreciates or loves can't respect it, he feels like he can't be himself.

๐“Œ | Nova is touch-starved and for the longest time assumed he hated physical touch because it made his skin crawl.

๐“Œ | He feels lonely sometimes since her twin sister died, even though he knows he isn't alone, he has his siblings. But he's different from them, they have things in common between them, memories they share that he just doesn't and it takes a toll on him. it's not the kind of loneliness that consumes someone, it comes in bouts, and it usually leaves by morning, but he struggles a lot when it lingers.

๐“Œ | He has low empathy. But he does have a lot of empathy for those he is able to form a deep connection with (his siblings, a few rare friends).

๐“Œ | His entire bedroom wall is filled with math calculations. Nova is obsessed with the idea of time travel and is desperate to find a way. He would later invent the first time-turner.

๐“Œ | It takes a lot for him to get drunk, but when he does, he's a completely different person. He get really clingy if youโ€™re someone he like.

๐“Œ | Nova finds Muggles far more interesting in every conceivable way. It's not unusual for him to spend most of his time in the Muggle world, discovering all their new creations and never getting bored of it.

๐“Œ | He already killed. A lot actually. More than he would like to admit. He rather not talk about it.

Corporeal patronus

Ravenโ€™s are a bit like watchers of the night, quiet and observant, waiting for the precise moment to show themselves and can turn off what they are feeling almost as a switch, if need be.


Family motto : Toujours Pur (Always pure)


A female northern white faced owl named Delores.

Yew, Thunderbird tail feather, 12.00โ€ณ, Supple, Notched Black

Sirius Black I


Alcyone Black


Selene Black, twin sister, ex slytherin, dead at 13 years old


Orion Black, 24 years old, ex slytherin


Bellatrix Black, 21 years old, ex slytherin


Aerglo Black, 19 years old, ex slytherin


Cassiopeia Black, 13 years old, slytherin

Family: None
Crush on: None
Partner(s): None
Kissed: None
Had sex: None
Enemies: None