Vincent Carrow's profile

Vincent Carrow

Matrix Album Grades
Played by: heatherscots

Full name: Vincent Tobias Carrow

Age (Year): 17 years old, 6th year

Birthday: October 25, 1874 (Scorpio, ♏︎)

Sexuality: Bi/Pan

Blood status: Pure-blood

Nationalities: British

MBTI: INTP, Logician

D&D alignment: Chaotic neutral

Wand: Hazel, Dragon heartstring, 11.00″, Rigid, Stalk Dark brown

Abilities: Animagus

Best classes: Defence Against the Dark Arts

Worst classes: History of Magic

Clubs: Crossed Wands

Default album group:

What they smell like:

Fresh pine, fern and morning dew

What they smell in their amortentia:

Vanilla, sandalwood and a hint of lavender


Playing Quidditch as a Beater (has quick responses and accurate hits due to his primal nature of being a snake animagus). Listening to music and playing the piano (only does this alone, will get embarrassed if others see). Caring for magic creatures (after his upbringing, he seeks redemption and wants the creatures to be free from harm)


Playing pranks, breaking a few rules for the thrill, exploring forests (tends to do this in his animagus form), people that are funny, people with a dark aura like himself, people who are patient and kind.


Being watched, prying eyes, people who are naive, lyers, backstabbers, the dark arts (given his upbringing), loud voices


Vincent was born into a cold-hearted family, the Carrows. They are a Pureblood family, proud of their title, belonging to The Sacred 28. They hold great power with a strong dislike to muggle kind and wish to continue their legacy of Pureblood status.

Vincent was raised from childhood to follow the family footsteps. Vincent and his brother (Peter) went through the ritual to earn their family ring of loyalty, being blessed in the Pureblood family from a young age. They both had to prove this by performing Unforgiveables, drinking the blood of a unicorn for power, strength and immortality, then to become an animagus to transform as a snake. Vincent has been surrounded by the dark arts and unforgivables, aware of their dangers and consequences. However, Vincent does not wish to subject himself to that side of magic. He has been living with guilt and regret ever since he was blessed and given the family ring. He wants nothing more than to right his wrings and become a better person.

In-fact Vincent plans of finding his own adventure and future, straying away from his family's legacy. This has caused a rift between himself and his brother Peter, who often have snake fights, giving Vincent a scar on his back of a Viper Bite, now immune to the venom.

However, despite the difference, Vincent has a dark aura to him, belonging to a family of dark wizards. Vincent is a tough nut to crack, with difficulty showing empathy.

Little does Vincent know just how much this will affect his ability to change and make friends, trying to make a better future for himself.

Vincent has locked away his past and does not open up easily about it. It will take a lot of patience, kindness and understanding to get through his sarcastic and blunt nature to reveal his softer and more vulnerable side.


He has a cold gaze with a dark aura. Due to his family and upbringing, he struggles with empathy. But be is witty, clever, sly, mysterious. He enjoys getting up to mischief and breaking the rules but will care for those who are patient and get to know him. He will show his softer and more vulnerable side to those he feels intimate with.


Hair: Long, thick, curly, brown
Eyes: Dark green/hazel
Skin: Soft, olive skin with freckles
Scars: On his back (will tell the story if he becomes close with someone)
Body/Height: Slender, toned, tall (approx 5ft 11) Jewellery: Likes to wear silver jewellery including chains, rings and earrings (wears a family ring)
Tattoos: None
Clothing: If not in uniform, likes to wear baggy, open buttoned, cotton shirts and straight cut trousers


Blue Viper


Bran Carrow - Father


Melissa Carrow - Mother


Peter Carrow (older brother)

Crush on: None
Partner(s): None
Kissed: None
Had sex: None
Enemies: None