Firdaus Al-Fathi's profile

Firdaus Al-Fathi

Matrix Album Grades
Played by: mageonx

Full name: Firdaus Al-Adel Al-Fathi

Age (Year): 17 years old, 6th year

Birthday: February 15, 1875 (Aquarius, ♒︎)

Sexuality: Straight

Blood status: Unknown

Nationalities: Arab

Wand: Blackthorn, African mermaid hair, 14.50″, Stiff, Spiral Pale brown

Abilities: Talking to animals, Wandless casting

Best classes: Astronomy, History of Magic

Worst classes: Flying

Clubs: Hogwarts Chronicle, Quips & Quills

Default album group:

What they smell like:

Seasalt, black tea, and exotic spices

What they smell in their amortentia:

The ocean, the smell of evaporated rain off desert sand, coffee and black tea and strong perfume


Mystery, puzzles, ecology, philosophy, poetry, language, debate, mathematics


He was born to a mermaid mother, fathered by a well-off merchant man who had saved his mother from poachers and nurtured her back to health, then took her to be his third wife. Adel’s childhood was mostly a happy one, spent in play with his many half-siblings and showered with a lot of love from his mother and stepmothers. His own mother only had him. His father trained him in archery and hunting, before Adel and his mother had to leave the family to go back to the sea. His mother later told him that he was getting very sick in the desert sun, and that she had to leave to keep him alive.


Aloof and irritable, quick to judge, but is capable of reforming his opinion if he tries. Overconfident in his abilities, and fairly proud of his origin. He likes to solve puzzles and mysteries, and does detective work as a hobby, though he doesn’t do it for others, mostly just for self-satisfaction. He regularly reads the newspaper and likes to be on top of the news, but at the same time kept out of direct contact with the goings-on. Is mistrustful, and a little lazy, except when it's time to swim.


In his human form, he has long, wavy black hair with teal highlights and an undercut. He also has an Arabic calligraphy tattoo covering his entire right upper arm. His eyes are always a sharp, piercing light blue.
As a merman, his hair gets a little longer, and he gets covered in bluish and black scales.
He transforms between his forms when he's sufficiently submerged in a body of water, and is a little sensitive to water temperature, hence not bery fond of the Black Lake.