Thaddeus Burke's profile

Thaddeus Burke

Matrix Album Grades

Full name: Thaddeus Burke

Age (Year): 18 years old, 7th year

Birthday: October 22, 1873 (Libra, ♎︎)

Sexuality: Bi/Pan

Blood status: Pure-blood

Nationalities: British

MBTI: INTJ, Architect

D&D alignment: Neutral evil

Wand: Black Walnut, Dragon heartstring, 13.00″, Rigid, Ringed Black

Abilities: Occlumens, Unforgivables casting

Best classes: Ancient Studies, History of Magic, Potions

Worst classes: Astronomy, Care of Magical Creatures

Clubs: Hogwarts Chronicle, Quips & Quills

Default album group:

Quidditch, Rare and Interesting Dark/Magical Artifacts, Reading


Flying, Pumpkin fizz, Appreciating art (even though he doesn’t have an artistic bone in his body)


Incompetence, strong smells, goody two shoes


Thaddeus is an INTJ (Architect). He is a very pragmatic and practical individual. He is the youngest son of Caractacus Burke, who founded Borgin and Burkes about ten years before Thaddeus was born, and Cedrella Burke (née Yaxley). With his parents being dark wizards and blood-purists and growing up in their social circles, it has been impossible for Thaddeus to not inherit those same beliefs. However, he is an independent and logical thinker and is willing to recognize when something that goes against what he has been raised to believe has merit.

He is used to having to interact with all types of people, having practically grown up in Borgin and Burkes and attending his parents society events. While he is slightly introverted, most people that know him, wouldn’t describe him that way.

Thaddeus may come off as serious, cold and distant to those that do not know him, but, once you are in his inner circle, you will find that he is sarcastically funny and, unlike his father, can be very generous with his friends.

His grandmother was the Headmistress at Hogwarts some time ago, Elizabeth Burke. Her portrait has hung in various places around the castle and is currently at the bottom of the Grand Staircase. She chastises him every time he walks past her for one various thing or another, usually for his tie not being straight.

He finds his father’s business extremely interesting and wouldn’t mind taking over the family business or working in the field procuring the artifacts.


He is just under 6 feet tall. If you asked him, he would round up. He has wavy red hair and green eyes. He is fairly slim.

Corporeal patronus
Not in abilities


Black Walnut, Dragon heartstring, 13.00″, Rigid, Ringed Black

Eldric Burke
24 years old
Former Slytherin
Oblivator for the Ministry of Magic


Caractacus Burke
48 years old
Former Slytherin
Founder/Co-Owner of Borgin and Burkes


Cedrella Burke, née Yaxley
47 years old
Former Slytherin

Family: None
Crush on: None
Partner(s): None
Friends: None
Kissed: None
Had sex: None
Enemies: None