Cody Comédor's profile

Cody Comédor

Matrix Album Grades
Played by: sallowfae

Full name: Cody Comédor

Age (Year): 17 years old, 6th year

Birthday: March 31, 1875 (Aries, ♈︎)

Sexuality: Straight

Blood status: Half-blood

Nationalities: English

Wand: Pear, Phoenix feather, 11.00″, Slightly Springy, Classic Warm brown

Best classes: Flying

Worst classes: Charms

Default album group:

Quidditch, Sports generally, muggles, his cat Kramer, music, playing guitar & harmonica


Flying, Quidditch, Sports generally, muggles, his cat Kramer, music, playing guitar & harmonica, pranks, parties, mischief, having fun, girls, boobs


Negativity, drama, studying, magic to an extent


Cody is a half blood wizard that grew up in Essex. He has 2 younger sisters and a cat named Kramer.
He started Hogwarts in his first year and was sorted into Gryffindor house. He is very much representative of a stereotypical Gryffindor. In his 6th year he became Captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team.
As well as sports, he also enjoys music and is an avid guitar player.
He is very confident but does not like to be the centre of attention, and despite being very competitive during games, he is a team player and wants to make sure everybody around him is always having a good time.


Cody is a very fun and carefree person, often being the life of the party. He is friendly to everybody that he meets and does not like to make enemies. He is a jock, and is not very academic, favouring physical learning over books and studying. Cody is an avid Quidditch fan and the captain of the Gryffindor team, and is the class clown that loves a good prank.
He is also fascinated by muggle life and sports, and is very protective over his younger sisters making him incredibly respectful and admirable of all the women in his life.
He doesn’t use magic very often, as he just simply doesn’t care for it much. He finds all of his classes very boring aside from flying and occasionally charms due to Professor Ronen making it fun.


Cody has dark skin, warm dark brown hair that is usually in dreadlocks, brown eyes and a beaming smile. He has a very muscular build and is average height for his age.

Family: None
Crush on: None
Partner(s): None
Kissed: None
Had sex: None
Enemies: None