Mamoru Kazuyuki's profile

Mamoru Kazuyuki Prefect

Matrix Album Grades
Played by: pandansca

Full name: Mamoru Kazuyuki

Age (Year): 17 years old, 6th year

Birthday: January 18, 1875 (Capricorn, ♑︎)

Sexuality: Straight

Blood status: Pure-blood

Nationalities: Japanese (Slight English on his mother's side)

MBTI: ENFJ, Protagonist

D&D alignment: Lawful good

Wand: Maple, Unicorn hair, 14.50″, Rigid, Notched Grey

Abilities: Corporeal patronus

Best classes: Flying, History of Magic, Study of Ancient Runes

Worst classes: Care of Magical Creatures

Clubs: Page Turners

Default album group:
Midjourney album group:

Flying, fixing up and taking care of his broom, reading, puzzles, taking walks/runs, working out, reading poetry, writing poetry (haiku), kendo (剣道)


Quidditch, the winter season, tea, anything that does not involve a whole lot of loud noises, tutoring, swimming, learning new things, meeting new people, Professor Kogawa, Wizard's chess, Merlin Trials, calligraphy and arithmancy


Bullies, people who give up easily/are lazy, people who are full of themselves, rambunctious animals/beasts.


Mamoru comes from Kyoto, Japan, born on a cold, snowy winter night. He was brought up learning both English and Japanese in tandem. His father only speaks to him in Japanese and his mother only speaks to him in English. So he is fluent in both languages. His father's sister is Professor Kogawa, meaning Mamoru is Kogawa's nephew.
Second oldest in a set of three brothers.
Though his mother is a healer and his father is a curse breaker, Mamoru has always had an affinity for flying and a love for quidditch and never wanted to follow in his parents’ interests, much unlike his siblings. He grew up listening to stories about his aunt and all her accomplishments, as well as staying with her over holiday breaks from time to time. As a child he'd always promised his aunt that someday he would be an exceptional quidditch player, just like her. When he learned she could no longer accomplish her dream, Mamoru was devastated. But he's determined to continue her legacy and become one of Hogwarts finest on the field. He begged his parents to unenroll him from Mahoutokoro (魔法所) and let him transfer to Hogwarts to finish off his schooling alongside the guidance of his aunt- she really is his hero, in his books.
Whenever he isn't attending classes or helping others, you can find him zipping about Hogwarts’ grounds or the highlands, always trying to beat previous records or simply enjoying the wind in his hair and the view beneath his feet.


Mamoru is very calm and quiet, often coming off as stoic or uncaring to those who do not know him. His stare can be icy, but it's just his eyes. Though he does prefer quiet and serenity, Mamoru is actually a very outgoing person. He simply thinks before he speaks, choosing to say things that matter instead of going off emotion.
He is passionate about his interests, so when it is something he likes he gives his all. In these instances he becomes quite fierce. He doesn't give up easily and gets back up as soon as he can after being knocked down, taking the losses as motivation to go harder at things next time around.
Just like everyone else, he grows more out of his shell and expressive in groups of people he is close with, having fun alongside them and making fond memories.

Mamoru has a strong sense of morality. Everything is either white or black, there is no gray area in his mind. So in an argument about certain things he is very stubborn and likely unable to be swayed. He lives by the book, nobly, and doesn't appreciate cheaters, rule breakers, and corner cutters.
He cannot stand bullies. He's often seen sticking up for the younger yeared students in scuffles and often tutors other struggling students in his spare time (at least in subjects he's good at). He's the type of person who will go out of his way to sit with the person who is all alone at the table. He wants to see everyone succeed, so whatever he is able to help with, he will. Although don't get him wrong- this doesn't mean he's a super smart person. He's only good at what he knows. His grades are average in some classes, great in others. He tries his hardest not to fail a subject because his parents told them that if his grades begin to slip he will be sent back home.

(As a lover) Get ready for broom rides, picnics in the flower-filled meadows, piggyback rides, sky gazing, reading dates, tea dates, and stolen kisses in secret corners. Mamoru is very soft and adoring whenever he's enamored, often giving them small gifts or doing things for them such as opening doors or carrying your things for you. His love language is acts of service.
He's the type to give you lingering, heated stares from across the way or give you teasing touches; something onlookers would think nothing of from the outside looking in, but his partner would know all too well what they mean and what he's attempting to do. He's not the one for public displays of affection, preferring to keep what he and his partner do behind closed doors. It's simply no one's business- Just don't count an impromptu victory smooch after winning a game. Hey! Adrenaline runs high during those times. Can you really blame him?
A soft dom behind closed doors, Mamoru is gentle but intense. He wants your attention only on him and there's nothing greater than watching you hit your peak by his hand.
Protective of his lover, Mamoru often aids them if they are in trouble, same as he would anyone else. But whenever it is time to part he is incredibly trusting of his partner and does not get jealous easily. He gives his partner their space and freedom, never exactly the type to be clingy and hang all over them.
But abuse his trust, and he's scorned. He won't go into a rage or anything, but cheating will quickly get you a swift breakup and the cold shoulder, possibly for life. When you decide you're his, he expects you to commit to that promise. You'll never find anyone as loyal as him.


Short black hair parted at the side, with bangs styled out of his eyes. When he flies though, his bangs have no part and instead are just regular. Deep brown eyes. Plump lips. Thin, with muscle due to working out consistently.


Made of maple wood.

Corporeal patronus

Quail. Can cast if needed.


His family house in Kyoto, Japan


A Japanese Scops-Owl named Sabayaku


A Japanese brown frog named Hantei

Maple, Unicorn hair, 14.50″, Rigid, Notched Grey

Mamoru's father, Ikaku (イカク). 45 years old. Works as a curse breaker.


Mamoru's mother, Chiaki (チアキ). 41 years old. Works as a healer.


Mamoru's older brother, Chihiro (チヒロ). 22 years old.


Mamoru's little brother, Nao (ナオ). 12 years old.


Mamoru's aunt on his father's side, Professor Kogawa. 35 years old.