Cyrus de Strontium's profile

Cyrus de Strontium

Matrix Album Grades
Played by: lilgrempaws

Full name: Cyrus de Strontium

Age (Year): 17 years old, 6th year

Birthday: September 28, 1874 (Libra, ♎︎)

Sexuality: Bi/Pan

Blood status: Muggleborn

Nationalities: British

MBTI: ESTP, Entrepreneur

D&D alignment: Chaotic neutral

Wand: , Black

Abilities: Metamorphmagus

Best classes: Alchemy, Charms

Worst classes: Herbology, Transfiguration

Default album group:

What they smell like:

Something pleasantly burning mixed with a woody perfume. Sometimes it's chemicals or fire-making materials like black powder, sulfur, and metal salts.

What they smell in their amortentia:

Burned wood, firework-making materials, childhood home, his family members' personal smells, especially Elland's. Sometimes there are smells of his current lovers but they never stay for long.


firework-making, spell crafting, inventing. Testing his inventions of students (aka pranks)


anything fire related (spells, animals, fireworks, fire itself, colours), his family. Automatons. Making stuff with his hands.


sports, limits and authority. Sour food. People proclaiming their feelings to him. Curfew. Hates water: doesn't like how it feels on his skin, makes him uncomfortable. Drinks water fine, tolerates showers but would never swim. Rain is unpleasant to be under.


Muggleborn noble, proud of his origins (both immediate and related to his ancestors). Got the letter from Hogwarts a year after his older brother, Elland. Had a happy childhood. Dreams of expanding their family business well into the wizarding world because of how much magic can improve their craft. Red hair and eye-colour: the result of him using his magic for the first time. Otherwise he'd be like his brother, Elland.

Family background
De Strontiums moved to London from the Middle East back in 17th century. They were known for their firework production but later on they branched out into weaponry and explosives, supplying the Crown. They assimilated by mixing with local nobility and most of the traditions they used to have are no longer a part of their family. But every de Strontium has something to remind them of their roots, and for Cyrus it is his intense passion for fireworks, looking over old family documents, improving on formulas, inventing new ones as the industry progresses.


He is a troublemaker, his head is filled with ideas, mostly for his own entertainment. Always speaks his mind, even if not asked. Rough around the edges and does not always pay attention to other people's feelings. Unless it's family, Cy is very loyal to his family. Hot-headed. Thinks he is the best. Self-reliant. He is a Ravenclaw because of his thirst for knowledge.

He is a flirt but unlike his brother he doesn't feel emotionally connected to his partners and doesn't agree to relationships. Only fun. He is passionate about things he cares about and can go overboard with studying and his little pet projects to the point of not eating or sleeping to see things through. He is really smart but only does work for a couple of subjects, everything else he barely cares to pass.

Magical World is the first place he got actual friends (it's a really slow process) because nobody here cared that he was nobility back in the muggle world. If anything, some Slytherins made fun of him and his brother for being muggle-born and it was a breath of fresh air for Cyrus.

Additional info:

Patronus: mongoose

Sexuality: pansexual demiromantic. He is not interested in relationships, only fun.

Worst Classes clarification: No such thing for him, really, but he has a lot yet to learn in Transfiguration. His problems with authority prevent him from actively listening to Professor Weasley which results in a lot of trial and error instead of accepting help in how he can improve his abilities. Not everything can be learned from books, Cyrus, listen to your elders. And when it comes to Herbology, he does not have enough patience to nourish the plants. He only cares about the knowledge when it comes to plants he can use in Potions. Elland gifted him a cactus to make Cyrus care about it, and eventually he'll learn to take care at least of some things. Elland is no fool tho, he charmed the cactus so that it would not wither, but it can only grow if Cyrus waters it. Cyrus doesn't know, of course. But when they got back home for summer and Elland looked at the cactus, he noticed some growth there and would feel proud, no matter how stubborn his brother was about the whole thing being a waste of time.

Corporeal patronus
Not in abilities

He will learn to cast the spell closer to the end of the 7th year, just so he can impress Elland who'll have to learn it during his Auror training.


Cyrus cannot be trusted with a pet so he has a cactus to take care of. Its "face" changes periodically when Cyrus gets bored.