Samantha Dale's profile

Samantha Dale Prefect

Matrix Album Grades
Played by: sallowfae

Full name: Samantha Dale

Age (Year): 16 years old, 6th year

Birthday: August 20, 1875 (Leo, ♌︎)

Sexuality: Bi/Pan

Blood status: Unknown

Nationalities: English

Best classes: Astronomy, Herbology, Potions

Worst classes: History of Magic

Default album group:

Plants, Astrology, Potions, Healing


Indulging herself into her interests, looking after plants, Journaling, the moon,


People getting in her way


Samantha was born and raised in Hampstead, London in a cottage with her parents and brother William. She started Hogwarts in her first year and was sorted into Ravenclaw house. She has a keen interest in healing and herbology, taking up a job as a nurse in the schools hospital wing.


Samantha is brutally honest and tries her best not to come off as mean. She is also not very optimistic but tends to keep that to herself whenever possible. She can also be a little judgemental of her fellow students and their behaviours. Despite all this she still has a certain whimsy about her and the way she chooses to present herself. She is very interested in Astrology and follows the cycles of the moon as a tool.


Samantha has dark eyes and long dark hair to match. She is slender and average height. She likes to wear black and blue, celestial themed clothing with a slight alternative vibe.

Family: None
Crush on: None
Partner(s): None
Had sex:
Enemies: None