Professor Deacon's profile

Professor Deacon

Matrix Album Grades
Played by: mushroomgay

Full name: Snow Deacon

Staff role: Ghoul Studies Professor

Age: 43 years old

Birthday: December 30, 1848 (Capricorn, ♑︎)

Sexuality: Bi/Pan

Blood status: Pure-blood

Nationalities: British

MBTI: ENTP, Debater

D&D alignment: Chaotic neutral

Wand: Black Walnut, Unicorn hair, 10.00″, Unyielding,

Abilities: Nonverbal casting, Occlumens, Unforgivables casting, Wandless casting

Best classes: Ghoul Studies

Default album group:

Necromancy, Ghouls, Demonology, Being the Best Mom she can be, hula hooping


Teaching students who are interested in the subject she teaches, widdle babies (she gets baby fever again when she sees small children), curious students, independent thinkers, creative out-of-the-box thinkers, Matilda Weasley, gossiping with Abraham Ronen (always has the juiciest details)


(Truly) Dark Wizards, poachers, Not a huge fan of Professor Garlick (partly because she sees her as an unrealistic optimist), flying on brooms, overly disruptive students, supposed know-it-alls, being told she’s wrong when she would bet the entire world’s safety on her being right


Snow Deacon is at heart, a good woman. She cares deeply about every student who walks through her door, protects each of them as if they were her brood, and wants each student to show up doing their best (even if their best one day isn't the same as another). That being said, Snow Deacon is also an intellectual who will not let stupidity (or that which she believes to be stupidity) go unchallenged. She Can and Will call you out if you make a mess of her classroom, but it’s sorta like your mom dissing you in front of your friends after you embarrassed her a lil.

Family: None
Crush on: None
Partner(s): None
Friends: None
Kissed: None
Had sex: None
Enemies: None