Ophelia Pine's profile

Ophelia Pine

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Full name: Ophelia Mayapple Pine

Age (Year): 16 years old, 6th year

Birthday: July 31, 1875 (Leo, ♌︎)

Sexuality: Bi/Pan

Blood status: Muggleborn

Nationalities: English

Wand: Pine, , 12.50″, Quite Bendy, Spiral Grey

Abilities: Metamorphmagus

Best classes: Defence Against the Dark Arts

Worst classes: History of Magic


Since attending Hogwarts Ophelia has developed a great interest in various physical activities, mainly Quidditch and swimming in the black lake, she is an all-round active person.


As active as she is, she also enjoys quiet moments like reading and sometimes drawing, although she’s not all that good


Pushy and Incompetent people who don’t respect boundaries, Ophelia used to be quite a timid person, but over the years, she’s grown quite a backbone and isn’t afraid of letting people know when she finds something distasteful or wrong.


Ophelia lives just outside of Birmingham in London with her parents and five older brothers, being the youngest and the only girl definitely came with some challenges, when she wasn’t being showered with love and affection she was being watched like a hawk. Being the only magic possessor in her family was challenging, especially when it came to Ophelia‘s grandparents, they strongly of the belief that it was all just make-believe that something was mentally wrong with her and that her parents and everyone around was just enabling it.


Ophelia is a very friendly, flirty person, if she sees someone, she does not recognise. She doesn’t hesitate to reach out and attempt to make friends, even with the most unsavoury of personalities. She doesn’t let hostility bother her instead letting it simply wash over like water off a duck's back.
she is a people pleaser and pacifist, and will not hesitate to bombard and continuously compliment.
She holds great value in making others feel valued and appreciated.


Hair Colour: Golden blond hair with darker roots.
Eye Colour: Golden honey yellow.
Skin Colour: Sunkissed with moles littering her face, shoulders, chest and back.
Body Type: Pear-shaped.
Muscle Tone: decent muscle definition from swimming and training for Quidditch.
Scars: Just the regular amount of scars that one would get while being a rambunctious outgoing child.
Hand Size: Regular with long fingers.
Blood type: O Negative.
Height: 165.3cm

Family: None
Crush on: None
Partner(s): None
Friends: None
Kissed: None
Had sex: None
Enemies: None