Milo Davies's profile

Milo Davies

Matrix Album Grades
Played by: ethniee

Full name: Milo Elijah Davies

Age (Year): 18 years old, 7th year

Birthday: May 11, 1874 (Taurus, ♉︎)

Sexuality: Straight

Blood status: Muggleborn

Nationalities: English

Wand: Vine, Dragon heartstring, 11.50″, Pliant, Notched Warm brown

Best classes: Charms, Flying, Herbology

Worst classes: Alchemy, History of Magic, Potions


Quidditch, making people smile, living life to the fullest


Quidditch, nice people, flying, puns, dorky jokes


Cheaters, laziness, insults, excessive rules, people with no sense of humor


Milo was born in Ludlow, England on May 11th, 1874 to Liam B. Davies and Melissa Carol Baker. His brother, Joshua Davies, was born when he was two. A Muggle-born, Milo wasn’t really aware he was magical until he was 10 years old. His magic (though he didn’t know that’s what it was at the time) first manifested when he got in a fight with a bully who was picking on his brother, and he ended up accidentally sending the unfortunate kid flying into an alley wall. When he told his parents neither of them could explain it. Strange events continued to follow Milo, all of which were equally confounding to his family members, until a letter-bearing owl arrived at their house one morning the following year. He was enrolled that autumn at Hogwarts as a first-year student.


ENFP-A 2w3. Milo is a happy-go-lucky, optimistic, outgoing boy who is smiling 24/7. The sort who wears his heart on his sleeve, he’s very compassionate, kind, and welcoming. He’s a bit mischievous and loves practical jokes out of his life mission to spread happiness and laughter to all those around him. He has too much energy for his own good, and his zest for life is uncontainable. However, this abundant energy is his downfall in school- he can hardly sit through class without fiddling, and he’s always talking to his neighbors. He doesn't mind getting his hands dirty and is always willing to lend a hand. Despite his happy nature, Milo does have an understanding of (and appreciation for) death and how life works. He sees it all as one great adventure, and it’s one he’s determined to enjoy.


Milo has a big smile, brown eyes, and dirty blonde hair that is near impossible to tame. He’s around average in height (5’11”) and has a lean build.

Additional info:

His patronus is a black-and-white cat.

As a child, Milo was very close to his grandmother on his mother’s side (she was the one that made him his yellow quilt). She was partially responsible for instilling in him his respect for all life and an understanding of life and death. When she died when he was eight, his parents were surprised when he showed comprehension and acceptance beyond his years. Milo even went so far as to be the one to comfort his mother instead of the other way around.

One of Milo's family’s favorite stories to tell about him is when he ran around naked as a toddler with his shirt on his head. He denies this ever happened.

Milo has a Golden Snitch that he “borrowed” from the school one day after Quidditch practice (he's the Seeker on the Hufflepuff Quidditch team). This led to several scenarios in which a number of excited Hufflepuffs ran around the common room trying to catch it when it got loose. The school, unable to find where the Snitch had gone, bought another before Milo could return it. When he told Professor Garlick, she simply winked, smiled, and advised him to return it when convenient. Milo now secretly keeps the Snitch in his trunk at the foot of his bed (though he does let it out every once in a while at a party) and plans to return it to the school at graduation.

Milo has a scar on his shoulder blade from when his brother stabbed him with a stick when they were pretend sword fighting.

Milo got his fear of lightning from an experience he had when he was 6 years old. He went exploring with Joshua without his parents’ knowledge and ended up staying out far too late. On their way home, the two boys got caught in a massive storm. The thunder and lightning terrified little Milo, especially when he saw a nearby tree get struck. Ever since he’s had severe astraphobia. This reflects in his boggart – a storm cloud flickering with lightning.

Family: None
Crush on: None
Partner(s): None
Friends: None
Kissed: None
Had sex: None
Enemies: None