Inger Nilsdott's profile

Inger Nilsdott

Matrix Album Grades
Played by: ethniee

Full name: Inger Eve Nilsdott

Age (Year): 17 years old, 6th year

Birthday: January 21, 1875 (Aquarius, ♒︎)

Sexuality: Straight

Blood status: Half-blood

Nationalities: English, Danish

Wand: Rowan, Phoenix feather, 13.25″, Supple, Stalk Dark brown

Best classes: Defence Against the Dark Arts, Flying, Potions

Worst classes: Astronomy, Divination


Experimenting with potions, dueling beating Imelda at Quidditch


Hot chocolate, flying, her cat, adventure


Homework, weaklings, over-the-top rules


Inger was born in Ebeltoft, Denmark on January 21st, 1875 to Ella Bronfen (a half-blood of English descent) and Elias Finn Nilsdott (a pure-blood of Danish and English descent). Her brother, Gilbert Oliver Nilsdott, was born when she was five. During her younger years, Inger’s father traveled abroad working as a cursebreaker for the Ministry of Magic. Inger's mother worked as a Healer. Due to the spontaneous nature of Elias Nilsdott’s job, the poor reputation of Durmstrang Institute, and the ever-increasing suspicion of the family's Muggle neighbors, Inger was homeschooled for much of her life. The family eventually moved to Shaftesbury, England when Inger was 14, and she was enrolled the following year at Hogwarts as a fifth-year student.


ESTP-T 8w7. Inger is a strong-willed, outgoing girl with a love for the fun side of life. She lives for the thrill of adventure, competition, and the unknown - something that often gets her into trouble. A champion of the underdog, Inger is never afraid to speak her mind, especially on another's behalf. She defines herself by her actions and what she does to help others. Inger is also an excellent problem solver and loves to experiment with new ideas and solutions. She particularly enjoys working with potions, as the possibilities are endless. Despite her strengths, Inger does have her flaws - she is stubborn to a fault, rebellious, unstructured, impulsive, impatient, and can be (in her blunt nature) rather abrasive.


Inger is very pale with a generous smattering of freckles across her nose and cheeks, chestnut-brown hair, and toffee-brown eyes. She is fairly tall (5'8") with a gangly build, and often has a light sunburn from spending so much of her time outdoors.

Additional info:

Her patronus is a black mare.

Inger first experienced claustrophobia one morning at the age of five. Sometime during the night she had rolled herself up in her sheets. She couldn’t breathe, and she couldn’t get herself out – a scary situation for a little girl. This led to an intense fear of confinement and tight spaces, and ultimately a severe case of claustrophobia. She hasn’t slept with sheets since. Inger's boggart reflects this fear by portraying an Azkaban jail cell, complete with chains and manacles. She defeats it by imagining it all turning into chocolate.

She’s yelled a number of times at the Quidditch referee over bad calls and has been benched twice as a result. She's a Chaser on the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

Her cat, Reggie, wandered into her life one October night as an orphaned kitten when she was nine years old. Inger’s parents allowed her to take in and feed the hungry animal, and by the time it was time to let him go she’d grown far too attached. Reggie sleeps on Inger’s bed every night without fail.

Inger has a healthy obsession with hot chocolate. As a child her mother won the town’s competition for five straight years, and Inger is convinced no one can make it better. She’s very passionate about it being homemade and won’t stand for anything less.

Because she grew up in Denmark, Inger is fluent in both Danish and English. Both languages were spoken at home, and the conversations in her family are often a mixture of the two, making for some very confused relatives.

She once jumped off a 75 foot cliff entirely because it looked fun.

While reckless, Inger is also incredibly brave. She's been known to start a number of fist fights in her time, usually in defense of others. She ultimately becomes an Auror for the Ministry of Magic.

Inger is a very deep sleeper. She’s the sort that, if allowed, won’t wake up until noon.

She despises being cold. Winter is great provided it’s viewed through a window from the comforts of a cozy chair next to a fireplace.

Family: None
Crush on: None
Partner(s): None
Friends: None
Kissed: None
Had sex: None
Enemies: None