Feliene Faunhop's profile

Feliene Faunhop

Matrix Album Grades
Played by: ethniee

Full name: Feliene Penelope Faunhop

Age (Year): 17 years old, 7th year

Birthday: July 15, 1874 (Cancer, ♋︎)

Sexuality: Straight

Blood status: Half-blood

Nationalities: English

Wand: Willow, Phoenix feather, 12.25″, Quite Flexible, Natural Honey brown

Best classes: Charms, Muggle Studies

Worst classes: Alchemy, Arithmancy, Potions


Training her owl, reading, working with Muggles


Her siblings, her owl, Muggle books, quiet


Overly loud people, purists, insults, super crazy parties, drinking


Feliene was born in Rye, England on July 15th, 1874 to Scott Faunhop (a half-blood of English descent) and Felicity Abigail Fitzgerald (a Muggle of English descent). Her sister, Winifred Faunhop (a Squib), was born when she was two. Her brother, Floyd Clark Faunhop, was born when she was six. Being a half-blood with a Squib sister, Feliene was raised with a love for all people, wizard and Muggle alike. She also developed a strong value for hard work and familial loyalty, as her parents worked tirelessly to provide for her and her siblings. Her father worked as a Ministry legislator, and her mother stayed at home to care for the family. Feliene grew especially close to Winifred, and the two became the very best of friends. This made Feliene's transition to Hogwarts when she was 12 very difficult. Even now, she constantly misses her sister.


ISFJ-T 9w1. Feliene is a loving, gentle, and cheerful girl who loves to make others happy. She’s very caring, hardworking, and highly values her independence. Her optimism is contagious, and her compassionate, thoughtful, and generous nature makes her a huge sweetheart that will always go out of her way to help anyone in need. While a bit shy and hesitant to trust others, she’s a friend and a light to all those around her. She struggles branching out and trying new things, and prefers to stick with what she knows is safe. Incredibly loyal, Feliene can always be counted on to stand by her morals and back up those she loves, even in the most dangerous of circumstances.


Feliene has short, wavy, cinnamon-blonde hair, pale skin, and dark blue eyes. She’s absolutely covered in dark brown freckles, of average height (5'3"), and has a rather stick-like figure.

Additional info:

Her patronus is a wood mouse.

Feliene’s boggart is a Dementor. While she’s never seen a dementor in person, she’s heard many a tale about Azkaban and seen pictures and drawings in books. Considering one of her biggest fears is a fear of the dark, stories of dementors simply put a picture in her head to the monster under her bed.

Feliene is by no means an absolutely fantastic cook (as her parents never had a ton of money to work with), but she can make an incredible loaf of bread. Her personal favorite to make is cinnamon bread.

Feliene’s owl, Phoebe, was given to her when she was 13 from her parents to help keep her company at Hogwarts. She was eventually able to save up enough money to buy a training glove, and one of her favorite pastimes is to go outside with her owl and teach her new tricks. Feliene is closer to Phoebe than she is to just about anyone else at Hogwarts.

The happy memory Feliene relies on to cast her patronus is one of her and her sister Winifred playing outside and making snow angels on her eighth Christmas morning.

Feliene is an incredibly hard worker. She grew up helping in the garden, cleaning the house, and caring for her younger siblings. She always works without complaint, refuses to cut corners, and won't give up until a job is done.

Because of her upbringing, Feliene adores all people. She was absolutely shocked when she encountered a nasty Slytherin student who thought Muggles and half-bloods were below him during her first year at Hogwarts. She had never thought such disgusting ideas were possible. This incident fueled her desire to foster understanding and love between Muggles and the wizarding world, and she ultimately becomes a Muggle liaison for the Ministry of Magic.

Family: None
Crush on: None
Partner(s): None
Friends: None
Kissed: None
Had sex: None
Enemies: None