Cosette Valentine's profile

Cosette Valentine Prefect

Matrix Album Grades
Played by: sallowfae

Full name: Cosette Valentine

Age (Year): 17 years old, 6th year

Birthday: June 24, 1875 (Cancer, ♋︎)

Sexuality: Bi/Pan

Blood status: Half-blood

Nationalities: English

Abilities: Metamorphmagus

Best classes: Care of Magical Creatures

Worst classes: Potions

Default album group:

Cooking & baking, house elf rights, folklore, embroidery, children’s literature, gardening, animals & magical creatures


Cooking & baking, house elf rights, folklore, embroidery, children’s literature, gardening, animals & magical creatures


Aggression, mistreatment of magical creatures, the dark


Cosette Valentine was born and raised in a country cottage in Devon UK by her wizard father and muggle mother. She was born a Metamorphmagus, having the ability to change her hair colour with her emotions. Her mother ran a children’s nursery which Cosette would often help with, reading books to the children and giving her a fondness for children’s literature. Her father ran a magical produce stall at a local market, and both of her parents were talented cooks passing on their talents to their only daughter.
Being raised in a working class and half muggle household, Cosette found a gratefulness for the little things in life, and carried that with her when she began at Hogwarts in her first year.

She was sorted into Hufflepuff house, and quickly found herself often cooking in the kitchens. She was horrified at the discovery of house elves, as she did not have them at home, beginning her passion for house elf rights.


Cosette has a vivid imagination and cheerful spirit, treating all those she meets with kindness and enthusiasm. She is however afraid of the dark, and does not enjoy the presence of aggressive people. One day she hopes to take over her mothers nursery and publish a children’s story book all about the wizarding world.


Cosette is very petite with brown eyes and hair colour that changes colours with her emotions. She likes to wear dainty floral clothing and cardigans.

Family: None
Crush on: None
Partner(s): None
Friends: None
Kissed: None
Had sex: None
Enemies: None