Bennet Jones's profile

Bennet Jones

Matrix Album Grades
Played by: ethniee

Full name: Bennet Coal Jones

Age (Year): 17 years old, 6th year

Birthday: October 2, 1874 (Libra, ♎︎)

Sexuality: Straight

Blood status: Half-blood

Nationalities: English, Swedish, American

Wand: Laurel, Phoenix feather, 13.75″, Rigid, Classic Black

Best classes: Charms, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Divination, Muggle Studies

Worst classes: Astronomy, Transfiguration


Playing with his dog, playing the harmonica, forest walks, outdoor games


His dog, nice people, the forest, chocolate cake, sunshine, healing people


Injuries, mines, dark places, insults


Bennet was born on October 2nd, 1874 in Gunnison, Colorado to Nicholas W. Jones (a Muggle of English descent) and Christina Washburn (a half-blood of English descent). He has an older brother, Seth Nicholas Jones, and an older sister, Diana Gracie Jones. The family moved to Crested Butte, Colorado when Bennet was only a few years old so his father could work in the coal mines. Bennet joined his father in the mines at the age of six. When his dad died in the Jokerville Mine disaster, Bennet's mother recommended he go to Hogwarts, where she had gone to school. She hoped it would help him make new memories and get his mind off his dad. This came as quite a shock to Bennet, who had never known magic existed or that his mother was a witch. Suddenly, his mother’s healing abilities and strange occurrences that had happened throughout his life made sense. He reluctantly agreed and was sorted into Gryffindor as a second-year student.


ENFJ-T 2w1. Bennet is an incredibly brave, kind boy who’s very loyal and protective of his family. Soft-hearted, empathetic, and altruistic, he was forced to grow up too fast in a harsh world. He wants to change the world to be a better place, but more than anything, he really just wants to be valued and believed in. Bennet is very strong-willed and fights for what he believes in, even if it might seem stupid to others. He’s not one to sit and watch people get kicked around, and he knows how to stand up for both himself and others. He has dreams of one day becoming a doctor.


Bennet has coal-black hair (hence his middle name), soft brown eyes, and pale skin. He can often be found with a smudge of dirt or two on his nose and clothes and a sunburn. He’s very tall (6’2”) and has a strong, muscular build.

Additional info:

His patronus is a beagle.

Bennet has a black Lab named Gunner. While Gunner unfortunately wasn't allowed to attend Hogwarts (partially due to the excessive number of cats running around), Bennet keeps his dog's collar with him on his nightstand as a reminder of his beloved pet. He writes home as often as he can to make sure that Gunner is okay while he's gone. When together the pair can often be found visiting the hospital to cheer up patients, playing fetch, exploring the woods, or pheasant hunting.

Bennet received a harmonica for his eleventh birthday, and over the years he's become quite good at it. He enjoys playing it in the Gryffindor common room during parties, often resulting in spontaneous dances that last for as long as he's able to keep the music going.

He doesn't drink. After seeing what drinking did to some of the men who he used to work with, Bennet vowed to stay away from alcohol for as long as he lives.

He wants to be a doctor one day and use the healing abilities he's learned at Hogwarts to benefit mining towns like his own back in the United States, similar to what his mom did. He currently studies as a nurse under Noreen Blainey.

Bennet is a terrible, terrible cook. He can cook oatmeal and that's about it, and even then there's a chance the oatmeal will end up burned. Even so, he's never really minded his poor culinary skills. He's not a picky eater and will eat just about anything.

While Bennet doesn't have much in terms of worldly possessions, his father taught him that it's family, love, and courage that are the greatest treasures a man could ask for. Bennet strives to live by this in everything he does.

Family: None
Crush on: None
Partner(s): None
Kissed: None
Had sex: None
Enemies: None