Ajei 's profile


Matrix Album Grades
Played by: ethniee

Full name: Ajei

Age (Year): 18 years old, 7th year

Birthday: June 9, 1874 (Gemini, ♊︎)

Sexuality: Straight

Blood status: Half-blood

Nationalities: American

Wand: Hazel, , 11.25″, Hard, Crooked spiral Warm brown

Best classes: Art/Muggle Art, Astronomy, Charms, History of Magic, Muggle Studies, Study of Ancient Runes


Stargazing, painting, traveling the world, debates


Stargazing, painting, exploring, adventure, rain


Bias, rude people, the cold


Ajei was born on the Navajo Reservation in Utah territory on June 9th, 1874 to Naalnish (a half-blood Navajo) and Doba (a No-Maj Navajo). Her parents took a risk by ignoring Rappaport's law, reasoning that it didn’t apply to them as Utah was not yet a state and they were therefore not governed by MACUSA. Daughter of her clan’s medicine man, it was no surprise when Ajei started showing magical abilities and talents very early. Her parents saw her immense potential for learning and managed to enroll her at Ilvermorny (while still keeping their unlawful marriage a secret), where she was sorted into Thunderbird. When an opportunity came to go to Hogwarts as an exchange student for a year, Ajei begged her parents to be allowed to go until they finally conceded. She arrived at Hogwarts as a sixth-year student and was sorted into Ravenclaw.


INFJ-A 5w4. Ajei is a pensive, insightful girl who wants to know everything she can about the world around her. She’s rather adventurous and loves to go to new places. A thoughtful and humble soul, she’s not one to let her emotions get the better of her and can always be relied on to keep her head in stressful situations. While she generally keeps her opinions to herself, she’s been known to surprise those around her with her rational solutions and deep thinking. She’s incredibly smart. While independent, Ajei is a true momma-bear when those around her are threatened, and (if patience and reasoning won’t work) she won’t hesitate to throw herself into a fight against those bigger and stronger than her.


Ajei has sparkling dark brown eyes, black hair, and deeply tanned skin. She’s a bit taller than average (5’6”) and has a thin, strong build.

Additional info:

Her patronus is a Black bear.

Ajei loves astronomy and stargazing, and enjoys learning about the constellations of different cultures and about stars around the world. Astronomy is one of her best classes.

She adores painting. While she loves her people’s ways and styles, she likes European techniques as well. She’s especially good at landscapes, resulting in unique and beautiful depictions of her homeland.

A big explorer, Ajei loves going to new places. This enthusiasm (despite her calm and collected nature) often results in a lot of haphazard packing when she's preparing to travel.

Ajei consistently stays up until 2:00 AM studying the stars, painting, and/or researching. Don’t be surprised if she staggers into her classes the next morning thoroughly exhausted and in desperate need of caffeine.

She’s very proud of her heritage, openly talks about it, and is willing to discuss it with anyone who’s curious.

Her boggart is a result of stories about the Long Walk of the Navajo, an event in when the Navajo people were forced to walk over 250 miles to a reservation. It resulted in approximately 200 deaths due to starvation and freezing temperatures. Ajei defeats her boggart by imagining food surrounding her starving body, making it funny because no one in their right mind would die of starvation if they were surrounded by food.

Family: None
Crush on: None
Partner(s): None
Friends: None
Kissed: None
Had sex: None
Enemies: None